Bonus Chapter [Lemon]

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-A few years after the incident-

"Hey Karma! Which do you think I look better in? This one or this one?" I yelled and pulled out two different dresses and displayed them both on my body.

"I think you look better in your own skin." Karma smirked and gave me a seductive look. I blushed at his words and face and shoved the two dresses back in my closet.

"Karmaaa! I'm bored!" I groaned and plopped down on the king sized bed Karma and I shared, since we live together now. Karma chuckled and laid down next to me and pulled me close to his chest by my waist.

"K-karma? What are you doing?" I squeaked and blushed at his sudden actions.

"Just.. please let me do this. I've been wanting to do this for a while and.. I think it's time." Karma's eyes glinted a little when I turned my head slightly to look at him.

I didn't have the chance to speak when Karma stroked my inner thighs up and down, slowly going higher with each stroke. I let out a high pitched squeak which made Karma laugh.

Then suddenly, without any warning, Karma pulled my shorts down and threw them somewhere in our messy room. Then Karma pulled back the sheets knelt down over to where my woman area was.

He looked down at my red underwear and then up at my (e/c) eyes, pleading for permission to go there. I was weary at first but then I gave a little not. 

Karma wasted no time to get to my woman area. He quickly pulled the red fabric up and over and out. I watched as Karma's golden orbs scanned my area, searching for a good place to start.

"Maybe i'll do tongue first." Karma smirked and started to gently stroke my womanhood with his tongue slowly making me shudder a bit. Slowly Karma started to get faster, making me moan a bit.

"Mmhh, K-karma~" I moaned out in pleasure. Karma noticed my pleasure and transitioned to using his fingers. I watched as Karma's fingers went in and out of my womanhood slowly then gradually going faster.

"Mmhhh! Karma! That feels so good!" I laughed out a moan and gripped the mattress.

"Wow (Y/n), your so wet." Karma sped up even faster and let my moans fill his ears.

"Mhhhmm~! Ahh~! Karma~! You got the spot! Oh that feels so good! I swear i'm about to come!" I yelled out in pure bliss. But just before I was able to reach my climax Karma pulled out his fingers and licked off all the wet lube that came out of my womanhood.

"Now I can't let all the fun be stopped here now can I?" Karma smirked and looked at my disappointed face. I soon recovered from the disappointment and jumped on Karma.

"Now I can't let myself have all the fun now can I?" I teased and pulled off Karma's shorts and stroked his member through his boxers.

"Don't tease me (Y/n), just get right to it." Karma said in a sadistic voice and watched as I slowly pull off his boxers. I gripped his member in my hand and took a shaky breath.

"Karma, this is my first time so don't expect it to be great." I said and opened my mouth wide enough for Karma's member to fit in my mouth. Karma grimaced at first but then eased into the tender feeling with soft, low moans.

"Ahh~ (Y/n)~ That feels so good~." Karma laid back and moaned in pleasure. I decided to kick it up a notch so I started to bob my head up and down while using my hand to move up, down, and along his member.

My eyes trailed at Karma's member as it started to grow upward, becoming erect. Karma then caught me by surprise when he pushed my down on the mattress and looked down at me. He then grabbed my legs and put them behind him while positioning himself for entrance.

"I'm going to go slow, okay?" Karma looked at me worriedly in the eyes.

I nodded in reply.

My body squirmed a little when I felt the tip of Karma's member touch my womanhood and slowly enter into me. I closed my eyes tightly in pain but pushed it back. I then felt Karma beginning to go faster each minute.

Soon Karma was going at a normal speed and grunting a little bit too.

"Arrghh~! (Y/n) you're so tight~!" Karma groaned and continued to thrust inside of me.

"K-karma~! Ahh~! Faster~!" I begged with moans of my own and Karma obeyed, going even faster than before.

"Ahhh~!" I yelled out and felt the head rush to my face.

"I want you so bad (Y/n)! I think i'm going to come~!" Karma yelled and continued to thrust inside of me.

Karma banged me up against the bed mattress while thrusting hard inside me, giving me the at most pleasure I desire.

It went on like that until we both came out, Karma came inside of me.

We both plopped down on the bed next to each other with beat red faces and wet bodies with a little bit of white, sticky substance around our areas. We were both panting before looking at each other and going for another round.


End of Bonus Chapter


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