Chapter 10: Babysitting

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I was running out of money that my mother lended me so I needed to get a part time job temporarily.

I scrolled through Google and came across a babysitting website.

Babysitting might not be the best idea but I need the money.

I called up a lady who needed someone to take care of her 8 year old daughter.

"Hello? Is this she?" I asked through the phone.

"Yes, this is she." A lady said.

"Um, yeah, I would like to apply as a babysitter for your 8 year old daughter... Kyota Mongomtry?" I hope I said her name right.

"Oh, of course! Well I'll drop her off right now. See you in a few!" The lady quickly hung up before I could say anything.

I wonder how she is going to be able to find me since I didn't give her any infor-

My thoughts were interupted by my doorbell ringing.

No way did they make it in such a short amount of time.

The doorbell rung again and I pressed my eye against the peephole to see two females that fit their exact description.

What the hell?

I hesitated before opening the door letting the guests in.

"What a nice house you have here. My name is Shirna Mongomtry and this here is my daughter." Shirna motioned to her daughter, who is now running around screaming like a little kid with a China doll in hand.

"Well I'll be off now, I'll be back to pick her up tomorrow evening." Shirna gave me a letter and left, slamming the door behind her.

I turned to the little girl behind me and studied her carefully.

She had long blue hair like the ocean and big bright golden orbs like a blazing sun.

When she realized her mother was gone she started to cry.

"No no! Don't cry! Umm..." I flailed my arms around in panick trying to get the child to stop crying.

Tell the child to shut up! I'm trying to rest up.

Well then go posses someone else's body!

What to do, what to do?

I did the quickest thing I could think of and rapped my arms around Kyota.

She stopped crying.

Haha! I did it!

"Hello Kyota, my name is (Y/n) and I will be your babysitter until your mom comes back tomorrow evening, okay?"

She just nodded her head and looked up at me with her soggy golden eyes.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked her.

"I want to watch T.V." Kyota pouted.

Her voice was so cute, high pitched and squeaky but not too high to hurt your ears.

"Alright then, I'll put on something for you to watch." I picked Kyota up and plopped her down on the couch.

I put on The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. and went into the kitchen to make some snacks.

Kyota's loud bursts of laughters could be heard in whole neighborhood.

I looked in the pantry for anything I could make and settled on rice curry.

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