Chapter 11: Sisters

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"Mommy?" Kyota yawned from the stairs.

"Call me (Y/n), please." I said quickly while sliding the letter into my back pocket.

"What are you doing here so early?" Kyota rubbed her eyes and hugged me.

"I was just about to make breakfast." I said, making an excuse.

"Oh, okay." Kyota still hung onto me.

We stayed in that position for a while in complete silence until small, quiet sniffles broke it.

I looked down and saw Kyota crying and holding onto me harder.

"K-kyota?! Are you okay?!" I picked her up and wiped her tears away.

"I-i don't want to leave y-you and Karma." Kyota whinned.

"I've only known you guys for one day but I already feel like we're family! Mommy doesn't even treat me like a normal child should be treated!" Kyota added on.

I thought back to the letter and how it mentioned that Kyota's mother doesn't deserve her.

"Maybe I could talk to your mother and let me keep you. I'm sure my mother won't mind. And then we would be sisters." I smirked at the thought of having such a cutey as a sister.

"R-really? You would do that for me (Y/n)?" Kyota sniffled and hugged me tighter.

"Of course, you stay here and I'll go and talk to your mother." I smiled and pat her head.

"Okay (Y/n)!" Kyota giggled and jumped out of my arms and ran to the bedroom to wake up Karma.

I giggled and went on the porch and called my mother.

"Hello! This is (M/fn) (M/lb) speaking! How may I help you?" My mom answered the phone with her usual cheery tone.

"Hi Mother, it's me (Y/n)."

"Oh hello! How are you doing? You haven't called me in a while." My mother pouted.

"Oh I'm doing good, and I assume your doing just as fine?"

"Oh yes of course!"

"Great! Cause I have a question for you."

"Go right ahead, I'm listening."

"Well, you know how you and Father are never really around that much and it gets lonely?"

"(Y/n), you aren't getting that 707 body pillow." Mother sighed.

"Aww! But I need it!"

"(Y/n), no. Just no." I could tell my mother was sweat dropping.

"Well anyways, that's not what I was going to ask. I want to have a little sister."

"(Y/n), me and your father are too old for all that action but you on the other hand..."

"No! Mother! Ugghhh! I mean there is a little girl in the house who's mother died while I was babysitting her and she needs someone to take care of her!" I yelled a little too loudly, hoping Kyota isn't near by to hear me.

"Ohhh! Makes much more sense! Sure she can stay with us! But you could still do that stuff you know?"


The conversation was interupted by Karma coming into the porch.

"Heya (Y/n)! How did you sleep cause I slept great!" Karma exclaimed while stretching.

"Is that a boy?! (Y/n)?! Answer me! Did you do it yet?!" My mom yelled through the phone, letting Karma hear.

"Bye Mother gotta go!" I blushed furiously and immediately shut my phone off.

"Was that your mom?" Karma pointed to my phone.

"Oh, yeah. She is a bit embarrassing." I rubbed the back of my head and laughed nervously.

"No worries, all mothers are like that." Karma reassured me.

There was a long silence for about 7 seconds until I broke it.

"Well, better get going inside. Its cold out here and we all need to eat right?" I said and started to walk inside.



We all sat at the table eating breakfast in silence.

"Thanks for the food (Y/n) but I should be getting home now." Karma said and grabbed his backpack from the door and left.

"That was sudden." Kyota said.

"He has his own life to worry about." I said.

While I have my own.

"Hey, Halloween is soon. Do you know what your going to be?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe a kitty?" Kyota said, more like questioned.

"Cute." I chuckled until the thought hit me.

Halloween is soon.

That's going to be a problem. With everyone out busy and in costume, this time of year its easy for people to commit crimes without getting caught.

That means Yandere could strike and get away with alot of things.

I shivered slightly at the thought but remembered what Yandere told me. Something about her taking full control over me and I die.

My life is soon going to be over.

Everything I love is either going to be dead or forgotten, or both.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright? You seem dazed." Kyota looks at me worried.

"I'm fine." I gave her a closed eye smile.

"Alright, if you say so." Kyota said and continued to play with her food.

How am I going to get out of this?


End of Chapter 11


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