Chapter 14: School Trip

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Its been 3 days since the accident and me and Karma have been getting along.

Karma seems to be more over protective over me.

There have been no signs of Sagishi which is good news.

"Hey Karma, the school trip is coming up. Wanna form groups?" I leaned over to Karma.

It was homeroom and everyone was waiting for Korosensei to come waltzing in.

"Sure, since I have nothing better to do." Karma said, smirking and patting my head.

"Cool. Well we've got Nagisa, Kaede, Yukiko, me, and you!" I giggled and ran off to the rest of our group.

We all went to our groups and started to talk about all the fun things we might do.

"I can't wait to go swimming! I heard their beaches have crystal clear water and everything!" Yukiko fangirled and frantically waved her hands around.

"I can't wait to try all the food." Kaede exclaimed and fantasized about all the different exotic tastes.

"Get a grip you guys!" I laughed and lightly punched both their arms, snapping them back to reality.

Soon enough Korosensei came in the room and instructed us to get our luggage's to the car.


We eventually made it to the hotel and went to our rooms.


I took out my keys and unlocked the door and saw an unexpected guest on one of the two beds.

"Karma? What are you doing here?" I cautiously approached the red head.

"What do you mean? This is my room." Karma knitted his eyebrows together and watched my shocked expression.

"But, this is my room." I explained, my voice shaking.

"Well I guess we are roommates for the trip." Karma shrugged and went back to play on his 3DS.

"Alright then, but I'm going to set a few rules. No crossing this line, this is my personal space." I strictly said and made an imaginary line with my fingers that went from on wall to the other.

"So basically half the room is yours, got it." Karma mummbled, still focused on his game.

I sighed and started to unpack. My bed was the one near the window and it over looked the city.

It was 15:47 when Nagisa, Kaede, and Yukiko came knocking at our door.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I cheerfully greeted my fellow friends and let them in, but kept a special eye on where Kaede and Yukiko went.

"Well Kaede suggested we go on a walk and I thought of inviting you guys." Nagisa explained and looked around the room.

"Oh yeah, I'll join you guys!" I said and grabbed my purse.

"I guess I'll tag along too." Karma said from behind me and stuffed his hands in his pockets while we walked.

"You know I heard there is this great coffee shop around he-" I was cut off when I bumped into a wall with a six pack.

"Um, sorry wall." I nervously said but then looked up and saw the wall was human.

The male was tall with Spongebob's house on his head and a few more males came surrounding us.

They looked like a couple of highschool delinquents.

"Watch were your going, shrimp." The large man spat at me but didn't move.

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