Chapter 4 |Glowing Red Eyes|

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I discreetly opened the window in mine and Namie's room. Letting the chilly air touch my face. Hoisting myself up with my arms, I jumped out of the window, landing softly on the grass. I glanced about warily before standing properly. Running along the tree line, I than picked my way through the underbrush. Reaching the school, I jumped, pushing upwards and landing on the opposite side of the large gate. That same strange bittersweet scent danced into my nose, dancing enticingly. Running toward the brick wall, I hooked my black painted nails between the bricks and hoisted myself upwards, effectively climbing the wall. Standing precariously on the outer windowsill, I peaked in the transparent glass. It was dark and for a moment I had thought nobody was inside, but was soon corrected by a voice who began to speak.

"Do have any clue what our friendly neighborhood celeb is?" Spoke a blond boy, leaning on a table, addressing an orange haired boy.

"Nope, not a clue. But maybe we should just leave it to lord Kaname." The orange haired boy spoke this time.

"I know, but I want to help find out what she is! She could be a threat to lord Kaname!" The blond was speaking once again. A sigh was emitted into the air by someone else.

"She doesn't seem that weird, let alone threatening." Another voice intervened, it was the boy who had caught me the other day!

"Senri, your only saying that because you have a 'thing' for our mystery celeb!" The blond exclaimed in a mocking manner. The boy he was referring to- Senri- flushed slightly and began chewing on a piece of pocky. Well being a ghoul is marked off the list... I myself felt heat rise to my cheeks at what the blond had said.

"Lord Kaname!" The blond exclaimed, addressing a tall brown haired boy. Ducking away from the view of the night class, I began to think. Why are they referring to this Kaname guy as 'lord'? And are they suspicious of me? How did I arise they're suspicions? What the hell? Glancing back into the window at the night I saw a truly strange sight. All the night classes eyes had simultaneously began to glow an eerie red, sending a shiver down my spine. What in hells blazes?! They weren't like kakugan, what ghouls had but even stranger. Turning from the window, to leave back to my dorm before the night class ended, I felt a brick beneath me shift and then-

Muhahahaha cliffhanger!!!! Sorry 'bout the wait for this chapter, I have had little to no motivation to do much of anything. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll try to update soon, if I don't update within four days just hound me in the comments😅 it'll help motivate me into updating. Yeah but I really hope you enjoyed this chappy.


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