Chapter 7 |Food|

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The girl stepped out of the door frame, stumbling slighy. Her breathing was heavy and ragged, and the unmistakable scent of rotting flesh clung to her disheveled body. Her long straight white hair matted and greasy and deep bags beneath her eyes.

Malnutrition was evident from a mere glance at the child. Each and every bone was visible through her skin and her dress hung over her body like it was several sizes to large. Though a month and a half ago it fit her perfectly.

She took a few shaky steps forward, shudders running up and down her body.

She was so terribly hungry!

The moon and stars were not visible in the sky, the dark clouds made sure of that.

Her vision shook, black spots dancing across it as her mind was submerged within warmth, completely dulling her thoughts and sense of reality.

She continued her trek through the city, her senses dulling even further. What in Kami's name was happening to her?

It was as the things she was watching was truly her. No, it looked as though she was watching it through someone elses eyes.

"Hello?" A voice barely pulled her from the hypnotic stupor she had fallen into. Who had spoken to her? She did not recognize the man that stood before her, concern obvious from his posture and expression.

"Are you alright little girl?" Her but burned, her stomach acids boiling and her stomach convulsing. She needed food. She was so hungry.

"... Food..." She whispered, her voice cracking as she spoke the simple word.

"Food?" The man repeated.

"... ungry... h-hungry..." she muttered, facing away from the man, her teeth nervously sink into her fingers.

"Your hungry-?" She cut the man off as her back cracked loudly she bent back, her hands clawing at her cheeks and tearing open her own flesh, her eyes crazed. A black and red color.

Tentacle like appendages tore from her back, shredding her dress open as the thrashed about.

Before the man could make a peep, she'd severed his head, the now lifeless cranium rolling across the cement as the the body slackened and collapsed.

She shrieked in delight as a thick red liquid followed absolutely sublime aroma filled the night are.

Her fingers tore through flesh and muscle tissue as if it butter, her stomach roaring as she devoured the mans organs. Pants and huffs tore her throat as the splendid bodily fluids dripped down her throat and ozzed from each bite.

Eating brought her an nearly orgasmic pleasure. How could it not? Its was so brilliant, the tender flesh, the nearly molasses like crimson liquid, and the sweet bone marrow. It made her feel so amazing! She loved! She wished this moment would last forever.

Who the hell needed mommy and daddy with their nasty food, the gritty textures, the oil like substance, the rubbery feel. It was disgusting. But this? No, no no no, this was something she'd never tire of. Never.

Hey, so, its like, really late and I cant sleep so I thought, "Hey lets shit out a horrible chapter of this book because for some reason people like this." So yeah. Vote I guess. I dunno. Also subscribe to my fucking YouTube channel Fistdantilus 99 cause that exists. (You don't have to subscribe guys, I'm not forcing you, be free my children!) God I probably look weird saying this bullshit and this chapter probably is a mess and I'm running on negative four days of sleep and it fe el s like im f loa tin g gu ys sle ep depri va tion m akes you higher than meth. WTF is even happening I'm fucking hullicinating bye

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