Chappy 8 ~ Petals of Sorrow 2

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Year 4/5 i'm so far CX

Anyway to all you people reading this thing: 

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Manaka fingered her earthy bracelet. She felt like reminiscing, and so she let herself remember the time that they had all went and bought the bracelet on shore. 

Hikari had been so funny, putting on the demon mask. 

Kaname made everything easier, fueling the laughter.

And Chisaki. Manaka almost cried at this. She wished that she had the motivation to say, "I'm done with law!" and storm into Ooshioshi and retrieve Chisaki.

Chisaki had been so kind and gentle with Manaka. 

But there was one more, the boy in the cloak. 

Manaka wondered where he was now.

"Come in, Chisaki-chan!"

Chisaki smiled at the speaker, Akari. 

They were inside Akari's home, where Akari had offered Chisaki a cup of tea after Chisaki had come to deliver some extra fabric from the castle. Chisaki always ended up telling Akari a bunch of things, and they were pretty close friends now, even though Chisaki was still in high school and Akari was much older.

"What fine fabric!" Akari said, pressing the velvety fabric to her face.

"I'm so lucky to have you, Chisaki-chan. You save me tons of money every time you come into this house. You're my own god of wealth!"

"I'm sure you'd do fine without me, Akari-san. You exaggerate way too much." Chisaki said.

"Oh, by the way, do you have enough fabric, Chisaki-chan?"

"For what?" Chisaki asked, confused.

"The flower funeral's coming up, right?" Akari asked. Chisaki tilted her head, trying to remember. 

Oh yeah! She thought. That day.

The last time she went she was seven. From ages 8-13, she was too busy and didn't want to go. They had prayed for dead relatives in the darkness of her household, anyway.

From 14-18 she figured that the pain of the memory would be too much for her, and so she had prayed for her friends and parents, for their safety. 

She was going to pray for her family back home again, but this time she wanted to go to the festival. 

"Chisaki-chan..." Akari leaned forward, and waved her hand in front of the purple-haired girl's face.

"Hmm?" Chisaki said. She had spaced out, apparently.

"Do you have enough fabric for the funeral..."

"I don't need any. I found a cute dress in the closets for special occasions, i'll wear that. It was torn a little, but I fixed it up easily."

"Do you want to come with us, Chisaki-chan?" Akari asked, a little out of the blue. It probably was a good idea, since they both prayed for similar things, but Chisaki shook her head.

"No, i'll go with my school friends. I promised them I would, and they'd kill me if I went without them . . . "

They were silent for a bit, until Chisaki spoke up again.

A weird tsusaki fanfic ( Tsumugu x Chisaki) Nagi no AsukaraWhere stories live. Discover now