Friend Zoned Prompts

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Prompt: Could you write one about Jude and Gideon when they were a date leading up to there first time :)

This one was requested by Niamh96, and in Jude's POV, which was wicked exciting :D So, I hope you all enjoy! ^-^


                I darted around my room, trying to pick out an outfit. Did I want to look casual? Or should I dress up a bit more?

                I angrily raked a hand through my hair. “Get it together Jude,” I mumbled to myself.

                I finally settled on a combination of dressed up and casual. I pulled on a nice pair of jeans and buttoned up a white dress shirt. I fixed my hair and nodded at my appearance. I snatched my wallet off of my desk and tucked it into my back pocket before leaving my bedroom.

                “Judeikas, where are you going?” my mother asked as I walked through the living room.

                “I’m picking Gideon up for a date,” I said.

                “Your father and I won’t be home tonight. We have a dinner and a party to attend,” she said. “And fix your shirt. You look sloppy.”

                “He looks fine,” my father said, coming into the room.

                “No, he doesn’t. He looks messily put together,” mom said flatly.

                “He’s just going on a date. He’s not going to a business meeting,” dad said.

                “Gideon Marchesane always looks nicely dressed. Judeikas, go change your clothes. Appearances are important,” mom said.

                “I’m not going to change my clothes,” I said in annoyance. “I look fine, mother.”

                “Don’t make Jude change his clothes. Let him wear what he wants,” dad said.

                “Don’t you start,” mom said, glaring at him. “This is why he talks back to us. Because you spoil him.”

                “I don’t spoil Jude!” dad argued.

                “Both of you shut up. I’m leaving,” I said, irritated.

                “Don’t you talk back to your parents, Judeikas!” mom said.

                “He wasn’t talking back. He’s trying to leave, and you’re trying to lecture on him on the clothes he’s wearing.” Dad offered me a smile. “Go on, Jude. Have fun with Gideon.”

                “Yea, yea,” I said, walking out of the room as my mom began to lecture my dad on the importance of not being a shitty parent. God they got on my nerves.

                I slid into my car and played Alesana, knowing they were Gideon’s favorite band. They weren’t my favorite, but I had always enjoyed them.

                My hands shook a little as I pulled into Gideon’s driveway. He came out of the house, looking as stunningly attractive as ever.

                But it wasn’t his appearance that caught my eyes. It was his breathtaking smile. It lit up his face as he saw me, and it made my heart stutter in my chest.

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