So if your wondering i am not single no more I'm with Niall I have been for five months and we got engaged last month and the world knows. The whole world knows and Niall and I have been arguing quite a lot recently and it's getting on my nerves. Perrie just says ignore him and make it work but I feel like he's drifting away like he hardly listens to me. I don't talk none of the boys anymore and when I say the boys I mean Joe,Caspar,Oli,Josh,Jack,
Mikey and Conor I don't talk to them I haven't for a year and I miss them except from Jack and Conor.
Conor isn't dating anyone, I think he still likes me but he's gonna have to move on I'm with Niall and I love him. Well I think I do."Shall we order a takeaway" Niall shouts from the kitchen and I'm sat on the sofa "haven't we got no food" I shout back "no only breakfast but I don't fancy that for tea" Niall laughed and sat near me and hugged me "can I ask you something" I look at Niall "anything babe" Niall kisses me "who's gonna be the first one to start a fight" I say I don't know if he'll recognise what I'm doing I've just said a lyric from spaces when he was in one direction.
"What do you mean" Niall said
"I mean who's gonna be the first one to walk out on one another" I say I wanna laugh so much "I don't know I don't really wanna worry bout that" Niall laughed awkwardly "good coz I love you" I laugh and get on top of him straddling him, while kissing him "that was a lyric from spaces wasn't it" Niall pulled away "maybe" I laughed and kissed him again. See he can be so loving but you don't even want to see us argue it's horrible.Niall and I have been together 5 months and we haven't done it yet and he understands because we was close but I had to stop because it reminded me of Conor and I know it sounds stupid but I'm not over Conor yet and Niall understands I was with Conor for like 2 years.
My phone starts to ring.
It's Joe, I decide to answer.
"Hello Joe" I say
"Lucy I've missed you so have all the boys" Joe says
"I've missed you all too, except from a couple" I laugh
"He misses you too" Joe sighs
"Who" I say acting like I don't know
"Conor" Joe says
"Oh well, it was his fault" I shrug
"I know it was and he is so sorry you don't understand how sorry he is" Joe says
"No i understand, but he needs to move on now it's been a year and I'm in a relationship" I sigh
"Yeah I know congrats on the engagement by the way I did text you but you never answered" Joe says shocked then laughs.
"Hahahah yeah i know" I say
"Do you know sugarscape" Joe wonders
"Yeah why" I say
"Well I read on there that you got together and then you two broke it off like 5 weeks later" Joe says
"Oh well that isn't true coz I wouldn't be engaged" I say then laugh
"Okay,We need to meet up" Joe says
"Yeah bring all the boys except Conor" I say
"Okay when and where" Joe says
"Erm your place and like now" I say
"Yeah sounds good Caspar is here but he has gone to the shop and Oli is on his way over anyway and then I'll get all the other boys over now" Joe says
"Okay" I say
"Okay bye" Joe says and I end the call."Niall I'm going to joes" I say to Niall and kiss him "okay babe" he smiles and I put my Nike trainers on and I put my bomber light pink jacket on and head out the door shutting it behind me.
When I get to joes all the boys are there.
"Hi" I say walking in they all stand up and hug me "we've missed you so much" Joe says
"Yeah we have" Caspar hugs me
"Because of Conor's stupid behaviour we can't even see our best girl friend" Jack sighs "yup" I sayWe all sit down and laugh and talk and I tell them about the song I'm bringing out next week called 'Ain't my fault' (JUST TO SAY THIS IS ZARA LARSON'S SONG AND IM JUST GETTING REALLY POPULAR SONGS AND PRETENDING THEY ARE LUCYS😂)
"Oh yeah I heard you was releasing a new song and all your fans are so happy and I was at Starbucks with josh and they was a fan of you and she was like 'oh yeah I'm buzzin it's gonna be a major tune' " Oli said "awe I love my fans" I smile then the front door opens. Shit Conor.
"Conor leave" Joe says
"No look" Conor starts "I love you but you don't love me and I understand why" Conor sighs "but I do still have feelings for you" I sigh "so forgive me and we can move on" Conor says holding my hands "I'll have to think Conor" I sigh.
"Why though I know your dating Niall well engaged but I was reading the comments on the video you tweeted 5 months ago and hardly anyone likes you and Niall together they they prefer us" conor sighs
"Conor mate it's her decision" Jack says
"You don't understand Jack, I love her" Conor says
"I'm just going to the loo" I say and get up.I close the bathroom door behind me and take my phone out of my skinny jeans pocket and tweet.
Have you made the wrong choice in life and don't know what to do to put it right.I pressed the tweet button and instantly got comments, likes and retweets and Niall quoted the tweet saying 'Yeah i know how you feel' I just sighed and ignored it.
I walked to the living room, and sat near Caspar and Jack and we was all talking until I started receiving millions of texts off Zayn,Perrie,LEIGH-Anne,Harry and Louis and when I say millions I am exaggerating.
I opened Zayns first.
Zayn💖🙏🏼Call me now.
You can't go home.
Answer me babes
He's messed up so bad I'm gonna kill him.
Zayn what is up, who's messed up xx
NO, I'm not okay and Niall he's messed up. X
Why? what's he done? X
He's been cheating on you, you know how Perrie and I just randomly walk into your flat without knocking well we decided to come and see you and he was with a girl in YOUR BED undressing her, Perrie had to hold me back from hitting him so hard. Xx
End of messages
When Zayn sent that text through I broke down in tears all the boys are now cuddling me, except from Conor.
"What's up" Joe said
"He..He..He.He cheat...ed on me" I sob into Josh's shoulder I hear REALLY loud footsteps then the front door slams.
I look up and Caspar,Conor and Jack are missing "go after them" I sob then Perrie walks in Joes flat she's dating Joe.
"Aweeee babe" Perrie said and hugged me tightly "where are Caspar Jack and Conor going" Perrie asks confused "to my flat" I sob "well they won't find him zayn and I forced him to go to America so you can have time to think" Perrie rubs my back and I nod "thanks I love you" i look up at her "I love you more" she smiles and kisses my cheek.
Perrie and I are like sisters we'll share clothes (knickers and bras) and we one got in the bath and shower together we've skinny dipped with Zayn and Joe.
We've seen each other naked and we help each other out and tell each other secrets and help each other with songs and stuff.Caspar and conor walked in without Jack.
"Where's Jack" I asked
"Zayn called him and asked to pick him up so he dropped us off and is one his way to Zayns then they are picking up LEIGH-Anne then going to Louis and all coming here and Jade only lives above Joe so she's on her way down and Jesy is with Jade right now so they are coming down but Liam couldn't make it" Caspar explains "okay" I nod my head then smile.
"You won't be needing this will you babe" Joe says to me pointing at the ring, I shake my head "no" I sigh I then take it off and Zayn walks in with Louis and dash towards me picking me up and hugging me.
"Louis" I scream I haven't seen him in 3 months he practically lives in America because that's where his son lives.
"Hello" Louis says hugging me "shall we throw this" I say showing the ring to everyone "yeah" they all cheered we went out to the balcony and stood there "wait shall I film it and send it to him on your phone" Zayn suggests "yeah" I shrug I then pass him my phone then I hear the little bleep indicating that the camera is recording "fuck you niall" I say to the camera then throw the ring over the balcony then everyone cheers I then put my middle finger up to the camera and Zayn stops the video from recording "that's what he gets" Zayn and Louis say in sync then we all laugh.
I go over to Harry and chat to him for a little bit.

Shout out to my ex(Conor Maynard &a Jack Maynard)
FanfictionHello I'm Lucy-Kim Reynolds I'm 22 and my best friend is Jack Maynard (21 years old) it's a funny story how we got talking and became friends. He has a brother the one and only Conor Maynard (23 years old) when she meets him she falls for him almost...