Chapter 75

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Worth more than this

Chapter 75

Two weeks later...27 October 33 weeks

Abbie POV

This weekend is the Walker Stalker convention weekend Norman is still umming and ahhing as to whether to go or not. I told him I was fine I have my next round on Monday and he hasn't done a convention in forever. On an interesting side note, I got a call from my ex-father in law wanting to know when I will be back in New York to work, I told him that until I'm well enough that I have no immediate plans to return, I'm thinking of quitting and maybe finding a place closer to Atlanta as there's some firms near here. Now why didn't I think of this when I was pregnant with Morgan? Instead of thinking that I can't do my job and be a wife and mother I don't know. I think Norman would like that, he would like me closer by and not in New York.

But before the convention this weekend I had another ob-gyn appointment and Norman since I asked him to has been coming to every appointment I think he likes this doctor a lot better than the one I had Cassidy and Morgan with.

We were waiting for the doctor to call us and I had another Braxton Hicks contraction which I guess was good as I can ask the doctor about them as I've been having them for the past couple of days. I grabbed Norman's hand and squeezed.

"You okay babe? Another one babe that's how many now?"

"I had one last night and then earlier in the day."

"You should tell the doctor about them."

"Yeah, I will." My name is called and Norman helps me get up, he's such a good guy I waddle I'm now waddling around as I enter the room. "Hey, doc."

"Hi happy couple. You look tired Abigail, babies giving you are hard time?"

"A little too much of them not enough of me. And these Braxton Hicks contractions damn they are killers."

"How often you've been having these contractions? Shouldn't be too regular. Before we weigh you let's get you on the table." I start to take my underwear off and Norman helps me climb on the table. "I watched your show's premiere man it was good. Looks like a good season this year."

"Thanks. I'll tell the guys that."

"Okay let's see what we have here." As my feet get put in the stirrups the doctor starts her examination of me. "Well, Abigail those aren't Braxton Hicks contractions you're two centimeters dilated it's your body starting to get these babies out of you."

"She's in labor? No way she can't be. I think we'd know if she was, I mean we had sex this morning, you think if she was she'd be able to do that and be in labor?"

"Well, Norman. Good to see you two are still having an active sex life way to go. But yeah she's like barely in labor I wouldn't recommend any more sex until after these two are born they appear to be in the right position. I can feel a head here and one here there's no reason why you can't have these two naturally."

"I thought I was having a cesarean? You mean I can have these two naturally?"

"Well I'd like you to try and have them naturally I don't like to perform a cesarean unless I have to as it is a major operation and especially if you are having another round of chemo soon I would think it will be easier if you have these two naturally so you can move around."

"What about the tubal ligation? I was supposed to have that at the same time."

"Well, seeming you are due for your next chemo session I would suggest waiting until after you are finished as you will feel better and be able to have the operation to tie your tubes. But getting back to that fact ma'am that you are in labor, I would suggest that you head home grab your bag, and head straight to the hospital. I mean these are your third and fourth children so your labor could be quick or slow there's no real way to tell. I will tell the labor ward you're on your way."

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