sean hes missing you

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Hey guys hope you like it

Sean had been away for over a month now in LA working with his new band. Due to how much work he had and the time difference between the uk and the us you two had only been able to text each other.

It was almost 11pm and you were in bed wearing one of seans shirts that he left for you and a pair of joggers and you were watching your favourite show. You were peacefully watching your show when you got a skype call from liam you were a little confused since sean told you they were recording all day but you picked up.

"Hey liam"

"Hey y/n"

"Whats up"

"Well were on a break right now and sean has been upset the past few days because hes missing you so much and the only chances hes had to see you youve been asleep so we thought we cheer him up and lift up his spirts with seeing your sweet little face."

"Aw well believe me li im missing him too."

"Right im gonna go find where hes gone you stay on the line"

"Like id go anywhere" you say desperate to finally see and hear sean.

"Okay right shush youve got to be quite ive found him so be quite im gonna talk to him first dont make a sound or youll ruin it"

"Got it" you saying lauging but being quite.

"Hey mate" liam says as he walks throughthe door into the almost empty room. He got no reply from sean so he went and put his arm around him as he sat down next to him "hey hey hey bud dont cry whats wrong?" Liam questions
"I just miss her thats all i used to spend all of my time with her and i miss seeing her face it always brightens up my day i could really use hearing her voice right now" he says through muffled sobs.

"Well if you stop crying i have a suprise" liam says. "What?" Sean asks his fellow band mate confused.

"Here you go come find us when youre done" he says passing him the phone and walks out of the room.

"Oh my god y/n youre there omg baby i missed you so much" he says now crying happy tears.

" i know i missed you too sean so much, more than you can imagine its not the same being without you" you tell him and you can swear youve never seen him smile so brightly.

After you talk for what seems like forever he finally says "hey baby i have to go now i have to get back to the lads but im so happy now thank you"

"Hey this was liams idea and im just as hapoy as you are and im thankful for those band mates of yours"

"Good night baby i will text you later i love you to the moon and back " he says blowing you a kiss and return it " love you too" you say before he ends the call. You fall asleep happy that night finally having spoken to the love of your life.

As sean walked back into the room with the rest od the band he walked uo and hugged liam before handing him his phone back " thanks mate it means a lot that you did that i really needed it" "no worries" liam smiles at him.

Hey guys i hope you liked it.
Also its a week till i see and meet them i cant wait anyone else going to any of their shows.
Also who is your guys favourite in the band and go ahead and guess mine along with giving me ideas or like if you want a personal just let me know the usual details for one.
Love you all xxxxxxx

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