trevor imagine

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Right i had already uploaded this but from what i can tell its not up so im reuploading it sorry if you already got it

Your p.o.v

Im sat on the sofa with the tv on infront of me but im not paying a lot of attention to the screen as I'm more concentrated on my family who are in the kitchen. As we have an open living room to kitchen i can see trevor sat helping our son 7 year old son josh with his maths homework and he has our 3 year old daughter lilly sat on his lap who seems to be more interested in playing with the tassles on her dads hoodie than anything as she pulls on them and giggles as they pull futher and futher out.
I cant help but smile widely at the scence in front of me as i begin to wonder how i got so lucky i have the perfect family. I married the man of my dreams and i couldnt have asked for a better husband hes the sweetest. Our children are the cutest both have trevors dark hair and josh has the same little curls at the back of his head, they also both ended up with blue eyes and are both so beautiful i am honestlythe luckiest person in this world.

I am brought back to reality when i hear the cries of our daughter and i see trevor getting out of his chair bringing lily towards me. As he reaches the sofa i open up my arms for him to pass her over. As he places her on my lap he also presses a kiss to my forehead.
"Here you go baby go to momma while i go help joshy finish this yeah?" He smiles at his daughter and kisses her on the temple before going back to our son.

Later that day after dinner were settled down on the sofa watching a film.
Josh is currently in bed because he had school in the morning but lily is falling to sleep at her fathers side.
I see a yawn escape her small lips and speak up "i think its time for bed lil lady i say as i move to pick her up before you hear her say "no daddy take me" in a sweet little voice "well if thats what the princess wants then thats what she shall get my husband says as you both giggle.

I had being waiting on the sofa for trevor to come back but he had been gone about 20 minuets, i decide to go and see what is taking him so long.
I reach the top of the stairs when i hear the soft voice of someone singing.
I push open the door to your daughters bed room to see trev sat at the side of her bed singing sweet songs to her as her eyes keep fluttering shut.

I decide not to disturb the adorableness that is occurring infront of me. Im stood there for around 10 minutes when i see that lily has finally dropped off while hugging her teddy giraffe close to her chest and trev walks towards.
"How long have you been there?" He asks closing the door behind him.
"Long enough" i say placing a kiss on his lips.
He wraps his arms round my waist and pulls me closer to kiss him again.
This time when i pull away i feel the need to ask out loud.
"How did i manage to get so lucky?"
"Erm im the lucky one here" he tells me "i have you and the two most beautiful children in the world. Before you can argue with me about being lucky to get you, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, you gave me the two most wonderful children, the best life i could ask for and you well you youre stunnin amazing beautiful and just perfect and none could ever make me as happy as you have or you do and i love you more than life itself and i love you more and more each day"
I dont even know how to respond to him so i just kiss him and try not to cry at what he just said to me.
As we pull away he holds me close to his chest and places a kiss on the top of my head before we head back down to watch tv.

Hey guys this is pretty shit but im back xxx
Hope this has uploaded this time

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