liam- hear him talking about you

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Hey guys hope youre all okay. Once again feel free to give suggestions and whatever else you wanna 😂😂😘😘 also guys thank you this book has only been up a week and already got more than 200 reads so much love xxxx this one is dedicated to marisjs4199 who help give me ideas this isnt her idea but that will be coming soon his is just one i wrote for her.

You and liam had been together for almost five months now and you had met the boys a few times when you have all gone out together.
You had woken up at around 9 this morning which is pretty early since its a Saturday. Unlike you liam was still in a deep sleep next to you with his hair all over the place. You decided that even though your awake you dont actually feel like getting out of bed so you reach for the tv remoteand switch on your favourite show before cuddlijg back into your boyfriends side. After around an hour and a half of watching your show you feel liam begin to stir beside you.
"Morning sleepy head" you say pushing his hair out his eyes.
"Morning mariska" he says leaning down to you and giving you a sweet kiss.
You two lie in bed for ages not bothering to move when liam gets a text message.
"Hey babe the boys asked if we wanna go to the cinema today with them" liam ask looking up from his phone.
"Yeah that will be great what are we gonna see" you say happy that the boys actually asked if you wanted to be there.
"Dont breath the new horror. They said if we do wanna go to meet them at 2 at the local cinema" he informs you of what the boys just told him.

🌟Time skippppp⭐

After around an hour you announce to liam that youre going to start to get ready and he should do the same since you have two hours until the film at it takes around 35 minutes to get there. 

You decided on a simple outfit of a tide tour shirt with black ripped jeans and converse.

⭐Time skippppp🌟

You both got into the car and turned on the radio when make up by new hope club came on    (this is in the future in which i hope the boys will have a song on the radio)   

"Oh my god this is my song" you yell as soon as you hear the first beat and begin to sing along

"Oh mariska you are so cute" liam says laughing at your singing and what he called adorableness as you danced to your favourite band.

🌟I am sorry but again time skip⭐

You arrive at the cinema and hug all the boys hello when you see them.

You all get into the movie eventually after you and liam debating over who would pay for your ticket with him winning in the end along with winning about buying you a drink and food as well.
You wouldnt say youre a wimp when it comes to horror films but this one was freaking you out so you hid your face in liams chest and he had his arm around you. Even tho it was scary you really did enjoy the film and the boys seemed to as well.

🌟please dont kill me time skip⭐

The boys came back to liams place with you two and you all ordered in pizzas as the two American boys had both decided that British dominoes was theur favourite thing to eat. You had an eventful evening of games and chatting and it was a good laugh and you were so glad you and the rest of liams band got on so well. It was now 10.30 and you had all settled down to watch a film as the boys were stating the night.
You and liam were lying together on the big sofa with sean and gabe together on the other and chalrie and trevor had created a little bed made out of blankets and pillows on the floor.
Not too long after you were falling off to sleep while the boys were laughing at whatever was now happening in let's be cops with liam running his fingers through your hair. As you were drifting off you heard charlie speak up.
" hey mate dont let her go" he says our of nowhere.
"Yeah we were all just saying earlier that she is the best thing that could have happened to you and us for that matter" sean said.
"Yeah bro were all happy mariska is in our lives shes a keeper" gabe says. You wait for trevor to make a comment but when he doesnt you assume that he is also asleep.
"I know boys i know shes good for me and believe me i dont plan on letting her go anywhere. I love her shes my whole world and she will never know how much she means to me" he says pulling you a little closer and kissing your forehead. Everyone quietens down after that and you whisper " i love you too" as you drift off to sleep.

Hey i hope you guys like this mariska especially anyone else want one just comment and let me know also thanks for the amount of reads that its gotten love youuuuu xxxxxx

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