Joker and The Damsels That Cause Distress~Chpt.7 Your Blonde is showing

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So we the hellacopter finally lands on the roof porch landing deck thing outside of Bruces Penthouse & Trixi & i were giggling like little girls.

Boy that was fun. Trixi said

Yeah remind me next time not to take shots while in a hellacopter hehe. i said

Will do. Trixi said

Trixi was dressed in a long Black & red silk gownd & i was in a deep purple & green silk one with black lacey embrordary. we walked inside & bruce took off towards everyone making a speach to everybody about Harvey Dent, all i got out of the part i heard was more of him just mocking Harvey though. Coleman Reese of course grabs to champagne glasses off some butlers tray & headed over to trixi & i handing them to us.

Well you laddies look simple gorgeous. Coleman Reese

Thank Coleman! Trixi said in a plan mocking voice

Thanks Mr. Reese. i said

yeah your not so bad yourself. Trixi said

Well thank you Trixi i really did try.......*but Trixi interupt him before he can go on*

Coleman......i really have to talk to Dolly here so could you excuse us? Trixi said

Dolly? Coleman Reese asked

Yes Tessy here. Trixi replied

ooo well of course. Mr. Reese said & as soon as he did Trixi had my arm pulling me into some corner of Bruces pent house.

What the heck is so important man? i asked

What did you want to be around Mr. Reesesy Peesey Stickey Fingers over there? She asked back

No, but its hard to not ripe this dress while your being dragged into a hallway, is that all this was about? i asked

Ha yeah sorry bout that but no it wasnt. SHe said

Then what do you wanna know? i asked

You know something!!! She stated it more then asking me

Do i now, & what would that be? i asked

You know something about the joker? She insisted

Why are you so interested in that anyways? i asked

No reason, exept the joker really fasinates me, i know its weird but i was just curious. She said

Its nothing i thought maybe he might be someone i once met but the jay.. i mean joker i knew didnt wear makeup. i said

Jay............ but he had a glasglow smile? i mean those scars? she pressed on

yeah, but...*i started but she interupted me again*

TELL TELL TELL TELL PLEASE!!!!! she started talking reallly load & a couple of people started looking at us

OK!!! i said in a load whisper. 

Fine, its not the same guy, the guy i know is the one that guy i told you about who saved my life & stole my bike, he was a theif yea he shot a guy but he wasnt a cearel killer! i said

*She just stood there for a few seconds then shook her head*

THAT GUY!!! You never told me that guys name was joker & had a glasglow smile!! She said frustrated

yeah well he didnt tell me he was the joker he just gave me a joker card, i thought i told you. chill out its not a big deal. i said

she shook her head even more but even more angerily this time, & when she did a strange of blond hair exapt under her deep red hair.

did you die your....are you.....are you wearing wig? i asked

She stopped full in the shaking of her head & ask What...what are you talking about dolly? *but more strange exapt before she stopped shaking her head*

you are dude, your totally wearing a wig, lets get you to the bathroom before anybody see! So we rushed to the bathroom.

Why are you helping me most people would be mad i was wearing a wig. Trixi said

Im sure you had your reason. i said

You dont wanna know why? She asked

If you wanna tell me sure... its up to you hun. i said

*she fixed her hair & scurred out of the bathroom without me, i heard a couple of shocked gasping while exiting the bathroom & ran into HarvSave & Publishey Dent himself, then before we even knew what happend we were both pushed into a closet i think*

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