Joker and The Damsels That Cause Distress~ Chpt.13 Insanity in him

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"""Tessy POV"""

i woke up in darkness, i had a throbbing pain in the back of my head i reached back to touch it & felt the dampness of a thick liquid intertwined in my hair particals of dry flakes falling away witch i could only asume was dry & coagulated blood i moan & spirt out a short giggle at the strangeness of my situation

(an ubrupt smile & giggle was a nervous reaction that i used every second in my miserible life to stay sane although most people just asummed i was crazy laughing about horrible things it was almost like a brush off a way of wiping away the dirt off my cloths after falling or in emotion terms smiling & laughing for it was my way of keeping myself numb & worry free)

WHy was it that every time i thought things cant get anymore im not only wrong but un-believably wrong or in other terms not just the wrost of the worst happen or not just the last thing i could think of but the only thing i couldnt even imagine happening, even when my sister was young she use to always tell me i need to stop thinking about other people & start being more self & think about myself, once again evidently she was right since when i got in that van with trixi & agreed to go with her to some strange warehouse i was thinking about her about making her feel better, sure as heck wasnt thinking she was ganna have me gagged & thrown into a dark room, well at least my hands wernt tied i suppose, i took the blindfold off realizing i was still in complete darkness i looked around & the only light i saw was a little red light no bigger than one of those little x-mas tree lights, it was up on the ceiling i think on the opposite side of the room, this was all completely redictulous, & it made utterly no sense, why would trixi do this to me, why would anybody want to kidnap me, i had barley $50 bucks in my bank account since i just paid all my bills yesterday, nobody knew me but Bruce & Trixi & pretty much who ever i worked with in Gotham, i wasnt close enough to Bruce to be held at ransom, i was a nobody in this town, most at Wayne enterprise only knew me as Bruce Wayne assistant This made absolutely no sense & who the hell is Trixi in love with & why in the world would this man she loves want me. GAWD this is all so absurd i just dont understand, i started taking off the gag when i heard his voice. It was my J' Jokers voice, well not mine but the one i knew & had convinced myself was not the same joker that was causing havoc around Gotham even though most evidence led to it being the same joker, but it was his voice it sounded alot different more childish & mockingly sarcastic there was even a bit more insanity in it it was less dark & rough & more high pitched & at some point sounded completely different but at another point was obviously the same voice, the voice of the strange i who saved me & stole my back after i kissed him.

"Your smiling." I heard him say in the darkness unsure where he was i looked around franticly as if by doing it i would randomly gain some kind of night vision. Then i hear his frantic bellowing laughter of insanity, & i couldnt help but wonder if this was the same guy, i dont think i remember him being this insane & for the first time i was un-able to laugh in nervousness his laugh in many ways made me cringe some bad & some good in some messed up way, but mostly it set fear in me.

"Where am i? who are you? Why am i here?" i asked

"Well Little Miss Liar you are because your spreading nasty lies about me" He replied

"Who are you?" i asked in denial not wanting to admit the obvious although i truly didnt know what the famous Gothams Joker was like so if it was the famous Gothams joker i was truly curious to know.

"Dont be dynse Little miss liar, im sure you read & heard plenty of gossip about me" he replied calmly

"No im serious, i mean i have an idea but...." i trailed off

"But............ but what? he started laughing but tried stifling his bellowing laughter so he could finish "seriously but what im truly eger to know im sure this should be good." i finished & i was seriously started to get scared witch was hard for me, but this mans voice alone set fear in me like no matter what i said could get me killed.

....well its kinda complicated if your the famous joker of Gotham well... i just heard about you only....*i had no clue how long i had been knocked out here & was never good at keeping track of days in the first place* "....well yesterday i think....." i stated & this time it took him what seemed like forever to start his laughter of insanity.

"What do you live in a cave" he said in-between laughter "how could you not know about me im on every channel" i continued saying

"Well i dont have a TV & i dont read the paper either so.." i replied

"you dont have a TV, but you seem so normal" He said then started laughing extraordinarily loader than before at his own joke. When he finally got quitter i said "well i mean technically i do but its broken" i replied

"what do you live in a cave" He asked again & the crazy load bellowing laughter contuined it seemed like every time he laughed it got loader

"No just a shitty motel" i answered back before asking my own question. "why am i here, something lies, what did i lie about?" i asked extremely curious.

"well you see i heard from a little bird that you little miss were spreading horrible lies about me.... you know its not very nice to gossip, i really do hate gossips you know." He said childishly

"Does this little bird live in the grapevine to" i mumbled with a smile before saying "Ok so what did i lie about?" i asked

"well you said i saved your life" he said then in an even more mocking high pitched voice said "dont you think its a little Stra.....anGe... to put STRAN..GER.. on a petistole, i mean we havnt even had a first date yet" he said before bursting into more laughter.

"So im guessing You heard this from Trixi, since it seems to make the most sense considering..." i said

"Yes the birdys name is Harley Hoebag Quinn" he started saying purposely tryn to make me feel eft out" oo wait im sorry you know her as Trixi right... thats the bird i heard it threw in the grapevine" he said chuckling load to make sure he knew i knew he could hear what i had been mumbling under my breath mockingly." then he stopped laughing & i heard his footsteps walking closer to me, he was closer than i thought he was when he stopped & leaned down towards my now half slumped sitting body & i felt his breath near the left side on my face "i gave her that nickname" he said proudly

"Did you give her the wig too?" i said mockingly,

"Yes, & i am the notorious Joker of Gotham but again thats beside the point" he said than leaned down closer grabbing me under my armpits pulling me up into a standing position then let me go & i suddenly lost my feet & fell causing a loud THUD & a bellowing laughter from the man in the darkness.

"looks like i ive swept you off your feet" he said with extreme laughter again

I didnt know why i fell till i reached down towards my legs & felt that my legs were awkwardly tied together very lightly i started un-tieing them realizing how tight they were looking up into the darkness to him & said. "ya that must be it, im sure the tight rope around my legs, feet & ankles had nothing to do with it" i said mockingly but instantly regretting it, since it just didnt seem to be a good idea to insult your kid nappy killer, but was surprise when i heard him laugh.

"Do they hurt?" he asked

"what my legs... yeah its not really the greatest feeling i wouldnt suggest it" i replied, he didnt laugh but i could almost hear him smiling.

Chehe. ya so lets just get strait to the point i do have a memory of a joker but that i told trixi about i didnt tell her the name he gave me was joker till Bruces party when i found out about you, actually i told her i was pretty positive that it wasnt you since the guy i knew didnt wear makeup & heard nobody’s ever seen you without it plus the fact that the one i knew saved my life & though he did kill someone in the process i dont think he was a cearal killer." i said instantly regretting that one since he back handed me across the face so hard i was sent flying into the wall behind me then he came rushing down towards me picking me up off the ground by the silk fabric of my dress on my shoulders. "Story time" he said chuckling "i would like to hear the story about this other joker" he said

Whens this date

Copycat killer

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