Joker & The Damsels That Cause Distress~ Chpt.27Human Canvas

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"""Tessy POV"""

"you insulted him?" he said questionly

"i just mumbled something stupid under my breath" i said

"what you mumbled?" he asked with a huge interested grin

"i dont completely remember, it had to do with him being rich or something, like i think after Jessica asked him how his day was he said something like very well & i didnt even know i was talking aloud when i said well it should be your bruce freakin wayne or something lik that & he looked at me then started talking to me then walked with me to the elevator & hired me i started working that day it was all really strange." i said you found it almost interesting that bruce just up & hired me, it was strange & i supose strange things interest him but he seemed less interesting when he said.

"hm... well your a pretty lil doll, so its not that strange." joker said back to me

He noticed my blushing at his strange complement & at first i thought he was ganna quistion how i could take anything from him as a compliment most didnt, but it looked like all of his thoughts on how to verbally abuse me vanished to one, thats when a devilsh crocked smile came across his face.

"do you remember the new scars i left you last night? there simply wonderful i think Picasso & Warhol would be pround, its has a little flare of each of them" he cooed

"which one?" i asked

"all of them, you see i think of myself as a sort of revolutionary artist, my canvas of corse mainly consists of carving human flesh, body i also like blood painting & explosive art, you ever throw water ballows full of paint at a wall, well blowing people & thing up work basically the same way its really quit beautiful, i must say, although i think my work on you is very.... how you say.... original, HEHEHAHOHM" he says before bursting into hesterical laughter while i just starte at him. "you know what i think you'll see all of them alot better if you have a full lenghth mirror to work with, & dont worry im not finish with you yet dolly, although its ganna be awfly hard to kill you now that your my own living peice of artwork, my last scared dolly i had like you took her own life jumping out our bedroom window, see she was beautiful like you, & one day she got in deep with the sharks & the rip up her face, we didnt have enough money for plastic surgery, & all i wanted was to see her smile again, so one day i took a knife & did this to myself & guess what! she couldnt stand the sight of me, & she left out our appartment window, sadly to fall 6 storys down." he said in a voice that prolly would have made me cry if i could, was this true, i mean i heard he made all his scar storys up & since this had to do with his, scars, but he seemed so sincere maybe there all a little true some how, my thought process was distracted when he started laughing pulling me up to my feet, i felt pain shooting threw every nerve in my body & knew it would only get worse. 

(im not ganna go into details with you know exactly how it goes from the movie & im lazy also sorry if its not completely acurate to the movie i didnt want it that way this story is ganna be quoting from all things joker movies/cartoons/tv so i suggest you at least watch all the batman movies or at least the ones since 1989 with the jack nicholson as the joker from tim burton if you wanna know whats mine & whats not lol)

"Ok let find you a mirror" joker chirped out between devilish chuckles, he dragged me down a hall a threw a big room " im sorry i couldnt find better home sweet home for you dear but our lovely motel is being remodeled right now but i think this is good enough ah..." he said before pusihing me into a very small room which i think was a walk in closet it had a mirror on every wall & even on the small ceiling, i then relized i wasnt wearing the same dress but a long mans t-shirt, which i just assumed belong to the joker since it smelt of gasoline, cigarette blood & sweat. it was strange i was still wearing my green lacey garter belt, & long lacey deep purple stockings & purple silk pumps with my lacey purple & green striped bra & panties i wore for bruces party, he had taken everything else off but the thing purple & green, but of course they were under garments so i guess it was such a big deal. I stumbled into the room looking at myself in the dim lighting when he came up from behind me twisting his arms around my waist pulling my body close to his tightly, then sending shocking chills down my body when he lowers his hand to the bottom on the long shirt i was wearing & slowly pulls it off dragging his hand hard slowly against my body & finally pulling it over my head, first i noticed his artwork on my four finger/fork wounds on my side. & saw that that the row of holes on my side were now replaced with little neon purple & green silk bows sew tight there were 2 purple & 2 green bows over. then on my arm where he stabbed me was now replaced with a purple & green zipper, & finally a little green button over my little pen wound under my knee cape. I honestly actally liked them, & i didnt really have any other choice anyways at least he made them cool to look at, at least he didnt do this all while i was awake. Although it was shocking my hand just kinda grased over them all i didnt even want to know if the zipper on my arm orked or not, thats just gottta be instand pain im sure.

"i have to make sure both your personality remember i did this to you!" i might even give you a tattoo or something saying, jokers creation, just so your other alter dosnt forget, & gee the zipper, that for when you run out of skin to work with its a kind of instants pain when its starts to heal over *ZZZIIIIIPPPPP* *ZIP*" he says popping the ps "it'll be marvolous! so do you like them" he ask

"do i have a choice?" i ask

"not wether or not you get them but you have a choice wether or not to like them!" he said

"well i do." i said

"really........................? *hm* I wasnt sure you would!" he said thoughtfully & i turned around and looked at him.

"i do, & im not going to lie & say i dont just to satisfy you more, i guess im just glad i wasnt awake when you were doing this, i dunno if i would have gotten them all by choice (shdylane16218: i totally would get them myself) but i do like them......*gigigle*...ha huh.. you did a good job Mr. Warhol Picasso, it is artistic ill give you that" i said he tilted his head at me & the lights when out, he roughly grabbed my wrists tightly together pulling them over my head with one hand & placing his waist & slaming my back agianst the now froken mirrors, i could feel the glass crackled undernieth my skin as he dragged me a little up, a little down, & a little side to side to make sure the glass was cutting into my back, when heback away & pulled me away from the mirror & closer to him the broken mirror shattered at my feet & i wondered why he wasnt laughing. 

"i wanted them to be a surprise" he said in a very sexy rough almost normal voice before regaining his childish voice & saying, "but thats a good idea for next time." he said before bursting into laughter

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