Chapter Eighteen

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It was about 5:30 in the morning when my phone started buzzing.

I ignored it, thinking that it was a wrong number and snuggled into my blankets more. I mean, who the hell calls this early in the morning?

The buzzing stopped, much to my relief, and I was finally starting to drift to sleep again when my brother barged into my room and threw his phone at my head.

I sat up and noticed that his hair was sticking up straight and he barely had an eyeball open

"What the Hell James?" I muttered before throwing the phone back at him and putting a pillow over my face

"Its for you" he yawned "Aunt Bridget wants to talk to you and since you won't answer your phone, she's blowing up mine"

I groaned "Crazy woman"

He yawned again before throwing the phone at me again"That she is" he walked to my door "When your done talking, bring me my phone"

I snorted as he was walking out "Yeah, the moment I do that is the moment when Hell freezes over"

His phone started buzzing and I took a deep breath before answering it "Hello?"

"Mira Darling? Is this you? Have you finally graced me enough time to talk to you?" I rolled my eyes.

I loved my Aunt but she had a attitude that made a nun want to strangle her.

Dad said that even as a little girl, she was always like that. My brothers used to joke sometimes when we were younger that I was acting like her whenever I didn't get my way.

"Hi Aunt Bridge, I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner. Its tough adjusting to school on top of creating new designs" I paused "You do realize that it's 5:30 in the morning here, don't you?"

"Yes, yes dear" she said "I know what time it is in California"

"Then why are you calling?" I asked in shock

"Because I wanted to know how the new location is coming along" she paused "This is the first official decision you've made since I handed over the company 2 months ago"

2 Months before I came back to America, my Aunt decided to hand over her reigns as the CEO of her fashion company. She felt that I was well equipped enough to handle the company on my own. Don't get me wrong,she's still involved with it, but more as a business consultant than an head honcho.

"I know Aunt Bridge" I said before turning my lamp on "I'm sorry. I should have kept you more informed about my progress"

She clicked her tongue and I imagined her waving her hand dismissively at me like she did whenever I apologized to her "All is forgiving darling, now tell me, have you found a location yet?"

I nodded and grabbed my laptop "Yes I have. I'll email you the location now as well as attach pictures of the interior" I clicked and typed keys on my keyboard "Now keep in mind, I already ordered all the interior things we need and also hired a design company to come help me. The only thing left is to actually order design materials and hire employees "


"Hello?" I said "Aunt Bridge are you there?"

I heard sniffles and was stunned into silence of my own. My aunt never cried, and if she did, it was always about her break up with a new beau. But even then, she always shrugged it off and said stuff like"Oh well, there's plenty where he came from" or "You have to kiss many frogs before you find your prince"

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