Chapter Twenty-Two

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"KNOCK...KNOCK" an annoying voice said from the other side of my door

I groaned and shoved a pillow over my head "Go away!!"

My door opened and Elena poked her head in "Mira, it's time to get up"

I ignored her

"Mira," She jumped on my bed "Your brothers..."

"Can go to Hell" I grumbled but shoved the pillow off my face.

Elena stopped jumping and sat down while grinning at me "That was harsh"

I rolled my eyes "You've been here one day, you don't know harsh yet until you see my brothers cuss each other out for the t.v. remote"

She grinned even more "Awesome"

I laughed "How was your first night here?"

"It was okay. I'm still getting used to the time change though" she shrugged "Anyways, you've got to get dressed, school starts in an hour"

I went to my closet and she followed me "Plenty of time"

"Hey Mira?" She asked as she browsed through my latest designs "What are you going to do about the interviews today? What happens when Olivia realizes you're the Owner of the fashion company?"

I sighed "I don't want her to find out just yet, so I asked my aunt to send her assistant over to help me with the interviews"

She pouted "I thought I was your assistant? Shouldn't I be helping you?"

I gave her a look "I can't very well have you interviewing her. She'll put two and two together and figure out something is fishy. Also, I don't particularly want my new friend to use us just to get ahead of the game"

She sent me a look "I don't think she'll do that"

I looked away "You never know, besides I'm tired of trusting people who will only disappoint me in the end"

"You're right" she sighed

I nodded and continued to pick out my outfit.


"Okay Heather" I said through the ear piece "Start the interviews" 

Elena and I watched on the flat screen from my office as Heather ruthlessly interviewed candidates for my new design team in the board room. Some of these designers had potential, they just need to be guided in the right direction. Others not so much. Don't get me wrong, they had great qualities that any company would die for but their attitudes were horrendous. They were the type of people who were set in their ways and probably wouldn't listen to constructive criticism. I wanted people who actually loved designing and were willing to learn, not someone who was only it in to get themselves ahead of the game. 

These types of people would sabotage all the hard work my Aunt and I had put in, if backed into a corner. Those types of people were not good for business. 

After 15 interviews, it was finally Olivia's turn. 

I was surprised to see that she changed her hair from this morning. It went from neon green to modesty brown hair with pink tips. And when I say modest, I mean it's modest for Olivia's taste. Even though I knew her for only a couple of weeks, I knew that this hairstyle was probably one of her most tame one. 

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