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"Who is she?" Joker asked from his cell that was directly across from mine.

"Like I've said before, it's none of your business." I replied with annoyance. Ever since I woke up, joker had been asking numerous amounts of questions about who this *Lux* person was.

"Is she your girlfriend? What am I saying? With the way you act, its literally impossible for you to have anyone fall for you." Harley budded in.

"Please, just, leave me alone." I said as I laid down on the deathly uncomfortable bed. I heard them both mummer something under their breath, but I didn't care. I looked down at the ring I had on my pinky. It had *Scarecrow* engraved into it.


"But why?" I asked as we walked on the trail that led through the rose bushes. Lux had her hands behind her back. The dress she wore was a strapless plain black dress with white music notes on it. The dress went just above her knee. Her hair was curled and she was barefoot.

"My mom said it was because she got a greater position at the office, the only bad part was that it causes us to have to move." She said in a sad tone. I hated when Lux was sad. I did the only thing that came to mind. I grabbed Lux's hand and pulled her towards me. I trapped her in a hug. I hugged her as tight as I could, afraid that if I let go, she'd disappear into thin air. She hugged me back just as tight. I tried to inhale as much of her sweet sugar and strawberry sent as I could. I herd her sniffle, signaling that she was crying. I pulled away to look at her. She kept her head down as she cried.

"Hey, it's okay. Your going to be okay. Look at me." I put my index finger under her chin and lightly pushed her head up to look at me. Her eyes were red yet she still managed to look beautiful. "Your lucky you don't wear makeup, because you'd look horrible right now if you did." I said trying to make things better. She quietly laughed and lightly punched my shoulder. I overdramaticly gasped and grabbed my shoulder. "Since when have you submitted to violence." I said with a surprised face, but my smile still showed through.

"Since just a few seconds ago." She replied in a sassy tone. We both fell into a fit of laughter. 'I'm glad I could make her laugh' I thought to myself.

"I'm really going to miss you Lux." I said once the laughter died down. Sadness lingered in the air once again.

"I'm going to miss you too Jonathan." She said to me in a sad quiet tone. We stood in the middle of the path. Rose bushes surrounded us for miles. We stood there in a perfect silence as we stared into each other's eyes. She broke the trance by engulfing me into another hug. We stayed in that position for what seemed like hours, but in reality was possibly a couple of minutes. I pulled away slowly and looked into her eyes. Her arms were still wrapped around my neck and my hands were still at her waist. I looked at her plump pink lips then back to her eyes. Without thinking I cupped her cheek with my left hand and kissed her. It felt like heaven. Her lips were soft and smooth. We pulled away and looked back into each other's eyes.

"Wow" she breathed.

"Wow indeed." I replied. She smiled and glanced down before looking back up. Her hand covered my hand that still cupped her cheek. She leaned in and kissed me again. It felt like fireworks were going off in my heart. Happiness rang through out my body and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. We pulled away, but leaned on to each other's forehead for support. She rubbed her thumb over my hand and opened her eyes. I pulled her into another hug.

"I love you Lux." I said into her hair as we hugged.

"I love you too Jonathan." She said into my shoulder. My eyes teared up, but I refused to let them fall.

"We should really get you home now." I said after pulling away. She nodded and grabbed my hand. We began the walk to her house; hand in hand.


"I got you something Jonathan." Lux said to me as we stood on her front porch. My face took on a look of curiosity. She smiled and reached into the pocket of her dress. She pulled out a small baby blue box with a white bow on top. She handed it to me and put her hands into her pockets. I took the bow off and opened the box. Inside was a golden band with lettering on it. I reached in and grabbed the ring out of its position.

"Scarecrow?" I read off of the ring.

"Yeah, I got that engraved into it because you remind me of a scarecrow- not in a bad way if course." She said nervously.

"How do I remind you of a scarecrow?" I asked as I looked up at her. A smile playing on my lips.

"Well, when I think of a scarecrow, I think of how intimidating they can be, when in reality, they're actually just a sack full of hay. You remind me of a scarecrow, because I know you can be intimidating if you want to be, but in reality, your really just as sweet as a puppy." She said with a smile and small giggle. I smiled and looked down at the ring.

"I love it, thank you." I said as I pulled her into a hug. She hugged me back twice as tight.

"I'm glad." I heard her say into my shoulder. I pulled away and looked into her eyes. I cupped her face again and leaned in for one last kiss. She closed her eyes and leaned in as well. The kiss soft and sweet. We pulled away and leaned on to each other's forehead again. We heard laughter from the window and turned to see who it was. Lux's little brother and sister; Central and Luna were by the window watching.

"Go away!" Lux yelled at them. They giggled and made kissy faces before laughing and running away.

"Kids." Lux said as she shook her head. My right hand still cupped her face and her hands were still around my waist. We laughed and looked into each other's eyes again. "Did you see the inside of the ring?" She asked me. I immediately looked like a confused puppy. I looked in my left hand and saw the peice of gold. On the inside of the ring it had *J+L forever* written inside of it. I smiled and looked up at her.

"Forever and always." I said before pulling her in for one last kiss.

++++++++(End of flashback)++++++++

I messed with my pinky ring, as I went over the memory of me receiving it. That was one of the best days of my life. I had finally kissed my best friend, I received and amazing gift, and I was given one of the very best reminders ever imaginable. It was also the saddest day of my life though. My best friend left forever. That was 10 years ago. Now I sit here, alone, with nothing to remember her bye except for a ring. It still surprises me with how much of the details I remember. Granted I'm only 25, it still surprises me.


I just want to clarify a couple of things. 1) When Jonathan and Luxury kissed, they were both fifteen at the time. 2) The garden that they play/walk in belongs to an old rich couple, but they don't mind that the kids use the garden, because they don't mess it up. 3) It never says what Jonathan is wearing because the italicized words are either his memories or his dreams, and he only focuses on Luxury at those times, not himself. Other then that...I hope you enjoyed my story💕

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