First Dream About Death

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That one was the most difficult one I had to face. One night, I dreamt that I was I  a funeral.

I was at a strange funeral, there was two coffins and I was sitting before them. What was strange is that I felt the presence of my grandpa but he wasn't in the room.

I woke up shocked about what I just dreamt. I was really close to my grandpa even closer than I have ever been with my father. My grandpa was my best friend. I could have told him everything he would always understand me and try to help.
The night I had that dream, my grandpa was in the ICU, he had a stoke and was in the coma. He stayed in the coma for two weeks. During these two weeks, one of my grandpa's cousins died. It was there that I realized what was happening! My grandpa will die. The day I realized that, I cried during the trip from hospital to my house, no one dared to ask why I was like that. I don't normally show my emotions.
Eventually a week after he died it was 3 years ago but I still feel his presence sometimes. Sometimes I also smell a strange rose perfume, he loved roses, just like I do. Maybe it's his presence that manifest itself through rose's perfume.

Author's note:
That one was quite difficult for me to write, as I said, I really lived my grandpa, after his death I felt alone. I didn't share anything with anyone except my mum.
Knowing that one of your close parent is going to die and that you can't do anything us hard. And I was 16 at that time.

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