one: piece by piece

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I always thought Nick was the safe option to go with out of him and his brothers.

The one who would protect me, take care of me, make me feel like a princess. That he'd always be looking out for me, thinking of me. Be there to comfort me if I was having a bad day. That he would never hurt me. He seemed like the one I could trust the most with my heart.

He did all those things except for one, which was huge for me. He hurt me so bad that I can't express it in words. He lost my trust a long time ago.

He cheated, and it still hurts to this day as I sit outside of my daughters' school. I was supposed to be meeting the principal, and Nick was supposed to be here. I showed up early so I decided to wait for a few minutes in the car.

I took deep breaths before stepping out of the car and sliding on my sunglasses. I didn't see his car anywhere in sight, so the tension in my body eased a bit. I walked in the school, and that's when I saw him sitting outside the office of the principal. My breath hitched at my throat and my heart began to beat out of my chest.

"Hey Reagan." Nick stood up to give me a small hug. I didn't decline, and I wanted to start to cry in his chest. I knew I couldn't. I pushed my sunglasses up on my head before he embraced me in his strong arms I loved to be in so much.

Our hug was over in a second and I sat in a chair next to him, checking my emails on my phone.

I put one leg over the other, my dirty blonde hair falling in my face. I read various emails before the principal called us in the office. When I walked into the office, the window looking outside showed all the kids running around at recess. I caught a glimpse of the girls and smiled. I sat in a plush chair next to Nick and the principal looked at the both of us with a warm smile.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Jonas. I'm glad you two came today," We nodded slightly.

"Myself and her teachers are worried about Mercedes. This week, she's really been acting not like herself. Is there something going on at home we should know about?" Nick cleared his throat. Clearly, he was going to be speaking for us.

"Reagan and I are going through a divorce." My heart seemed to stop for a moment when he said those words. The principal, Mrs. Woods, pressed her lips together and shot me a very apologetic look. I swallowed hard. I still wasn't moved out of the house, so the girls had no idea what was going on.

Makayla and Mercy are a year apart, and are nearly inseparable. Mercedes is five and
Makayla is six.

"I see."

And that was all she said. I had to think fast and get this conversation over with so I didn't have to deal with the girls asking why their dad and I are at school and not picking them up now. I quick looked to Nick, but it was clear that he wanted me to do this.

"We'll work on it. Thank you so much for letting us know."

"We do have a guidance counselor here at school if either of girls need someone to talk to about what's happening at home." She offered, but that's the last thing I wanted. I slightly shook my head no.

"I'm sure that won't be necessary ma'm," I glanced over at him, but nothing came out of it. I sighed.

"Thank you so much." I stood up and shook her hand before grabbing my purse off my lap and hurrying out of the office and out the school doors. When I got to my car, I felt Nick's presence behind me.

"What was all that about?"

I asked him frustratingly, crossing my arms at my chest. He gave me a pouty smile, but soon began chuckling at me. I didn't think this was funny in any way. He looked at me with those doe eyes before silencing himself once he saw that I wasn't amused.

"You're so cute when you're upset."

I know what he's doing. Trying to lure me back in. Just so he can hurt me again. I had spent years practically chasing after him when we were teenagers and once I finally had him, I wasn't about to let him go for anything. I had a little thing with his older brother, Joe, before Nick finally confessed his feelings for me.

When him and his brothers were on tour as a band, I was Nick's wardrobe coordinator. My knack for clothing and fashion was seen by people, so they recruited me right away. When that happened, I wasn't too familiar with the Jonas Brothers, but I thought all three of them were pretty cute.

I had spent so long trying to get at least one of them to notice me, and it finally worked at some point. Nick eventually went solo with a different band for a year or so, the Jonas Brothers reconnected, then they all went their separate ways. Nick Jonas soon became my muse. He always made me smile when I never wanted to, and he was always there. He's got the biggest heart out of all of them.

"You think this is funny?" I glared at him, my arms still crossed.

"Yeah, I do actually."

"You have no idea what I'm going through and you could care less Nick. You could fucking care less." I wanted to reach out and slap him as hard as I could, but that'd be highly inappropriate.

"Watch your mouth hot stuff, don't want the kids to hear it." His smirk stayed on his shaven face as he climbed in his vehicle, shutting the door with a thud. He was being so impossible today.

I got in my own car and drove back to the house. When I got there, Nick was already home, but I really didn't want to see him. Or talk to him. Or even be within five feet of him. I stepped into the house and immediately heard music coming from the basement. Must be in the recording studio, thank God.

I went into the kitchen and took grapes out of the fridge, eating them as I scrolled through more emails. Once I got to the last one, Nick came upstairs, seeing me and coming over. Awesome.

"I didn't mean to upset you Reagan. At school. I just, felt like I had to put my walls up again. I very well know that this is all my fault, and you know how badly I want to fix it. I'm trying to figure out how, I really am."

I only looked up at him from under my lashes, wanting to kiss his soft lips. I wanted it so bad. I put another grape in my mouth, not speaking. I was slowly breaking inside. Piece by piece.

"What were you doing downstairs?" I asked him, putting the bowl back in the fridge and walking over by him, sitting on the stool next to him as he stood over me.

"Recording some lyrics I've been working on lately. Nothing special."

"I wanna hear it."


I shouldn't have ever asked him to hear the new music. We began kissing in the booth and one thing led to another, and soon enough, we were getting our clothes back on to go pick up the kids.


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