eleven: over you

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Let's just say, Mercy didn't take to Ben too fondly. She screamed and cried, and ran into the room she shared with her sister, slamming the door. To be fair, I completely expected a reaction similar to that. I mean, all they've known as a male figure in their lives is Nick, and now that we've divorced, it's hard on them.

Kayla is going along with it, and I'm grateful for it. I can still see that she's not happy her father and I split. You can see it all over her face. I'm just happy she's not fussing over it too much. I had no clue how I was going to get Mercy to be okay with this.

"I am so sorry Ben." I said to my boyfriend as we stood by the table after Mercy's meltdown. I touched his arm, but he only gave me a tiny smile.

"It's okay, she'll come around baby." He said, kissing me on a cheek. A kiss that sent electricity through my body. I smiled softly at him. His arms went around my waist, and I leaned back into his chest.

"I'm gonna make dinner. What do you want?" I asked, closing my eyes, feeling relaxed in his arms.

"You don't have to do that honey, I can. You've done enough today." His lips pressed behind my ear. I nodded and in one swift motion, I went into the girls' room.

Once dinner was done, we all sat at the table, Mercy not speaking. Kayla, however, told me all about her week with her father. Was it a bit awkward? Hell yeah it was. But once it was over, Mercy was finally talking to me and kind of speaking to Ben.

"I told you she'd come around eventually." Ben said after I put the girls to bed, and I pursed my lips.

"I guess. I just hope it stays like this."

"Well, I'm definitely not planning on letting you go anytime soon baby." His lips caressed my neck, and I suddenly became tired.

"I think I'm going to go to bed. You coming?" I said, yawning and stretching my arms.

"I think I'm gonna be up for a little while yet." I nodded and rubbed my eyes before lazily walking into my bedroom and plopping on the bed, feeling relief in my body.

A year and a half later, and here I am. Getting married for the second time. I've still neglected to tell Nick about Ben for this long period of time. I just can't do it, and I don't know why. The girls are our flower girls, and they are just the cutest. As I walked down the isle, my arm linked in my father's, Ben looked at me hope in his eyes. Hope that we'd last for the rest of our lives. I hoped so too.

I stood across from him, my eyes looking into his lovingly as I repeated what the priest told me too. I saw the girls sitting in the front pew along with my bridesmaids.

Did I feel a little cruel for bringing a new man into the girls' lives without talking to them first? A bit. But I really, truly love Ben. I feel at my best whenever I'm with him.

After the ceremony, we chose to not have a reception. We'd go on our honeymoon once his parents are ready to take the girls. Nick hasn't been around much, so we decided, rather then having the kids only see him for an hour during the month, that we would wait until he'd be home for a good stretch.

Ben, the girls, and myself, all went home after the congratulations from various family members and friends of both of ours. It was getting to be late at night, and the girls were getting tired. I tucked them in, still in my slim fitting wedding dress. Was it my favorite? No. I absolutely adore ballgown style, but I wanted this one to be nothing like my wedding with Nick.

"Goodnight babies. See you in the morning, you've both got school." I kissed my daughters both, and they smiled at me. Just as I kissed Mercy, she murmured to me.

"I like my new daddy, mommy." That slightly broke my heart. I was thrilled that she was taking a liking to Ben finally, but by no means was he here to replace Nick.

"He likes you too baby girl. Now get some sleep." I tucked her in, moving carefully in my white dress to my bedroom that I shared with my now husband. I felt his arm slip around my waist instantly, his lips meeting the side of my neck.

"You know, this dress would look amazing on our floor baby." He whispered in my ear, sending pleasuring chills down my spine. I happily obliged, slipping off one strap at a time slowly, teasing him. He took it from there.

I woke up to my alarm, a constant ringing noise. Ben groaned beside me in bed and I shut it off quickly, not wanting to get up.

"Mommy! We get to see daddy today!" Mercy knocked on the bedroom door loudly and yelled in excitement. I opened my eyes to the brightness coming through the white curtains. My husband's arm was wrapped around my mid section and I didn't want to leave this spot.

I got up regardless, opening the door and stepping out.

"You get to talk to daddy today. I'm not sure about seeing him though baby." I told her, truthfully. I picked her up in my arms, Kayla running out of their room as well.

"Mornin mommy." She said and I smiled, kissing them both. They both eagerly sat at the table while I got them cereal for breakfast. I put the bowls in front of them before going in my bedroom. Ben was still fast asleep, sleeping on his stomach with a hand under the pillow.

I went over and kissed him softly and quietly before putting on something other then my night gown. I threw on pajama pants and shirt, throwing my hair up in a ponytail.

"Yes. We're eating cereal. Mommy's new friend is still sleeping." I winced, racing out of the room, seeing my daughter's talking on my phone with it on speaker. My heart stopped for a second.

"Mommy's new friend?" Nick asked in the phone. I mentally punched myself in the face, but I couldn't interfere with them.

"Yeah! His name is Ben and he's really cool daddy!" Mercy said happily, pushing her bowl with only milk left in it.

"How about you let me talk to mommy. Is she up?"

"Yeah!" Kayla took my phone, handing it to me. I swallowed hard.

"Hey Nick." I casually began.

"Your new friend Ben, huh?"

"Yeah....about that. He's actually my uh husband now. We got married yesterday."

"And you couldn't bother to tell me that there's-"

"I knew you were going to go there Nick. And I avoided it, yes, because you weren't remotely close to here anyway. Practically this entire year you've been gone. I didn't find it as a top priority." I cut him off. I made my point and picked up the girls' dishes, putting them in the sink.

"Why don't I meet him?"

Oh no.


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