thirteen: the end

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Nick's pov
Four years later, and I finally had Reagan back. It was a crazy ride, trying to convince her, but I finally did. I had begged her to take me back. Literally. Eventually, Ben showed his true colors to her, and she didn't like it. He'd yell at the girls for doing absolutely nothing wrong. All because he had a bad day at work.

The girls were growing up way too fast. Reagan and I were happier then ever, and she totally pushed Ben out of her life. That, I did not urge. I didn't have much against him, until he began to treat my girls like he was their father. When I first heard about it, I wanted to go and punch him in the face, but I had to respect Reagan.

"Hey baby, why don't we put the girls to bed and go upstairs?" I smirked. Reagan looked at me, her mouth gaping open sarcastically as the girls looked at the both of us with confusion in their expressions.

"But, I'm not tired!" Mercedes whined, pausing the show they were watching. With her being ten, I knew the emotions and feisty attitudes were only beginning. Makayla, eleven, is the same way as far as I can tell.

"It's almost eight, and you have school tomorrow. Come on girls." Their mother said, shutting off the tv. On a regular basis, they'd normally go to bed around eight thirty, but I knew what Reagan was doing. I said goodnight to my kids while she put them to bed.

I rushed to our room, and checked to see how I looked in the bathroom. I got out of my jeans and button up shirt, throwing on a pair of gym shorts with no shirt. I quickly brushed my teeth, Reagan coming in the room just in time.

"Are you trying too hard to be sexy for me?" She teased me, raising her eyebrow. I shrugged, going and putting my arms around her waist, my hands on her ass.

When she screamed my name exasperatedly, I heard the door down the hall open. One of the girls was awake.

"One of the girls is awake baby." I said against her lips, muffling her.

"So." She rocked her hips on mine, and a knock on the door interrupted us. But we didn't stop.

"Mommy?" Kayla's voice sounded, and we were quiet as we could be. When we finished, we both breathed out heavily and I gulped as I opened the door, having quickly put clothes on.

"What is it baby?" I asked.

"Mommy yelled. Is she okay?" Oh God. I was not nearly ready to have 'the talk' with my girls. I nervously bit my lip, trying to find an answer to her question.

"She's okay. Daddy just said something that she didn't like. It's okay though, go back to bed sweetheart. I love you." I kissed her forehead, watching as she tiredly walked back to her bedroom and closed the door. That's when I figured it was safe. I shut the door and leaned against it.

"Great job." She slowly clapped and laughed at me.

"Oh shush, you. Did you really want me to explain sex to our eleven year old daughter at eight thirty at night?"

"Well maybe you should've kept me quiet." Reagan smirked at me, crossing her arms.

"Me?! Well, now you've gone too far." I said playfully, getting into bed next to her.

"What do you mean, I've gone too far?" She put her hands around my arm, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"That was all you baby. I think you know what I mean." Her mouth gaped open.

"You can't do that."

"Oh, but I can." I smirked and laid down, covering myself up to my shoulders.

"You're a meanie Nick Jonas."

Reagan only got under the covers and went to bed when I didn't reply. I smirked as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep with my arm around her.


It's been a crazy ride. Mercedes was at our house with her husband and two kids, Finn and Rylee. Makayla was here as well, her four kids running around with their cousins. I couldn't believe my two little girls were 25 and 26. It seemed like just yesterday I was up late at night with Reagan, trying to get them to quit crying.

"Dad, mom. We've got something to tell you." Mercy hugged her husband, Dan's, arm and smiled at him. Reagan and I looked at one another, and then back to our daughter and son-in-law.

"Well, go on then." Reagan urged.

"We're expecting another baby." My little girl had a big smile pasted on her face, her husband as well.

"Congratulations." My girlfriend and I said in unison.

After Reagan and I got back together, we never got married again. Both of us agreed we weren't ready for it, and may never be. But, I've been faithful to her ever since. I couldn't believe that I was already 44 years old with grand children.

"Grandpa! Look!" Ari, one of Kayla's girls, hopped on my lap and showed me a seashell she must've found on the beach. When the girls moved out, Reagan and I decided to move to some place that the two of us have wanted to live for awhile.

"That's great princess. I've got something for you." I said in her ear. Makayla didn't give the kids chocolate very often, so I had gotten some for when they came over. I held the little girl in my arms, going to the cabinet and grabbing a big chocolate bar. I broke part of it off and gave it to her.

"Dad!" My daughter's voice alarmed me and I turned around with a smirk on my face. She came over and slapped my arm, taking her daughter from me.

"Kayla." I said, raising my eyebrow at her.

"You're crazy daddy." Makayla rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek. I smiled and went back to join my girlfriend on the couch. The kids all played on the floor, constantly running in and out.

"If you kids get sand in the living room, Grandma is not going to be happy!" Reagan said to our grandkids, glaring at them as they all stopped in their tracks. I scooted closer to her, kissing her ear and whispering in it.

"Why're you so sexy all the time?"

"Maybe it's because I know I've got you to always give me confidence." Reagan said to me, giving her sexiest smile. I was about to say something when Mercy interrupted me.

"There are children here!"

"That never stopped us when you and your sister were their age." My girlfriend said to our daughter and her jaw dropped to the floor. God, I loved my family.

I lost my beautiful Reagan on what would've been our 36th wedding anniversary, if we were married, plus the years before. I woke up that morning, smiling, and her arm was wrapped around my abdomen. But, she didn't feel the same. I felt her forehead and was horrified. She must've passed hours ago, while we were sleeping. We fell asleep the previous nights with our backs to each other, but I imagined her wrapping her arm around me as she took her final breath.

"Baby, you can't leave me yet." I whispered.


That's it! Did you guys like it? I would love to know what you all think.

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