two: leaving you

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I sobbed as he held my shoulders to stop me from hitting him with angry fists. I may have already had a few drinks, since the girls had went to bed only forty five minutes earlier.

"You don't give a fuck about me Nick. You don't care, and I'm not good enough for you. I never will be." I slurred my words a tiny bit, and I kept trying to hit his chest.

"Reagan, take deep breaths." I didn't listen. I eventually was able to hit him hard, but he wasn't fazed. I lazily put my arms at my sides, and he let go of me. His eyes looked nervous, but I wanted to get all my anger out.

"I bet you were fucking other girls behind my back for years and I had no idea. And you didn't even care." He was standing against the wall, staring me, and that's when I threw my wine glass at him. He ducked before it hit him, but the glass shattered against the wall into a million pieces.

I walked over to him and began pounding my hands into his back angrily. He grabbed me by the waist and pushed me against the wall, and my hands were in front of me so I couldn't get to him. Tears flooded down my face as he kept forcefully holding me with all his strength, and I cried.

"I hate you Nick Jonas. I hate you so, so much." My sobs shook my entire body. His arm began to hurt my side, so I murmured to him that he was hurting me. He backed off.

"I'm not hurting you. It's-"

"Mommy?" Mercy was on the stairs when I swung my head to look at her tired face. Her eyes darted between him and I. Suddenly, I felt a sting on my cheek. Nick was holding my face in his hands too. He went to the stairs and scooped Mercy in his arms.

"It's okay baby girl. Let's just go back to bed." He took our daughter to her bedroom and so I sunk to the floor against the wall. More sobs came from me, and that's when I heard a knock on the door. I didn't want to answer it. I saw Nick running down the stairs fast, rushing to open the door.

"Hey." I heard a woman's voice, so I put my hands over my ears and made a noise so I didn't have to hear it.

"Dems." I saw a black haired woman in front of me a moment later, and Nick's demanding tone. Her short hair was straight and it looked like she was ready to get with him tonight. Her eyes widened as she saw me, his expression the same.

"Go ahead. See if I care Nick." I waved my hand at him. I had no thoughts that I was allowing my husband to have sex with another woman in our house.

"Nick, who's this?" The woman asked, looking at him with wide, brown eyes.

"I'll leave you to it then." I got up and stumbled to the counter grab my car keys, planning to leave.

"Reagan, you are not leaving." I felt Nick's hands on my sides and I yelped at his touch.

"Yes I am."

"No you are not. Demi is."

"No, no. Let your whore stay here. In fact, let her have all my things too. She's practically your new wife now."

"Your wife? What is she talking about. Who the hell is she?" Demi spat and I spun on my heel to look her in the eyes.

"I'm his wife, since you obviously didn't get the hint that we've got kids and you know a life together that you had to come along and ruin." I knew very well that I had just put Nick in a bad situation. Horrible, in fact.

Demi gasped, and looked over to Nick. She slapped him across the face, and it looked like it hurt really bad.

"I am so, so sorry." She apologetically looked to me, and I shook my head at her.

"Don't be," I began as I slipped my wedding ring off my finger and set it on the counter, not taking my eyes off her.

"I'm leaving him in about ten seconds anyway."

I spoke so modestly, and Nick looked horrified to hear the words come out of my mouth. Demi looked at me and looked like she was about to cry. I spun around and walked out of the house with a slam of the door. Then I realized that I didn't have my keys because he took them from me. So I started walking down the road.

"Reagan." Someone was shaking my shoulder, and I suddenly felt something jabbed into my cheek. I open my eyes with a start, then I saw that I was laying on the road. I sat up and saw cars zooming by, and I was grateful I was on the side.

I saw Nick standing above me, and I put my hand out for him to help me up. I stood up and brushed myself off, feeling immense pain in my entire body.

"Did I...what?" I was so confused. I had no idea why I was here. Laying in the road. Nick's hand was holding mine, and I felt safe.

"I can tell you what all happened last night if you come home with me." He walked me toward his car and helped me into the passenger seat. He drove us to the house, neither of us talking. I went inside with pain in my back, and realized we were alone.

"Tell me." I insisted motioning him to come into the bedroom I've been staying in the past few months. I laid on the bed, relief going through my body. Nick sat on the bed.

"First, we put the kids to bed. Then you had a few glasses of wine and started getting upset at me. Told me how much I broke and hurt you. You started hitting me, and eventually threw your glass at me. It shattered against the wall, and then Mercedes came to see what was going on. I put her back to bed, and then there was a knock on the door," is voice seemed to crack a little. I swallowed hard, my face heating up.

"I answered it because you were a mess on the floor. Demi was at the door, you didn't know who she was at the time," I know very well who Demi Lovato is. She's my husband's mistress.

"And so she figured out that I was married, had kids, and so she apologized to you at least a dozen times. You were trying to leave, and you grabbed your keys, but I wasn't going to let you drive in that condition. You said you were going to leave me, and I had no idea where you went. I found you this morning."

I couldn't believe that all of that happened. It was taking me a second to process it. Mercy and Makayla. What do they think happened? Did Mercedes tell people at school? Some many thoughts were running through me that I didn't know which one to answer first. I looked at Nick and his adorable eyes.

"I am so sorry Nick."

"I should be the one apologizing to you. I could never apologize enough for what I did to you Reagan. It was so, so wrong. I know it's going to take some time to heal that wound, and I'm not going to beg you to come back to me-"



"I'll give you another chance Nick." I said this with such smoothness, I almost didn't realize I was saying it. He looked shocked, but also like he had no idea what to do. I didn't exactly know what to do at this point either.


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