Chapter 18- Sean

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 (Author's note: this is one of the chapters that was unrefined and partially lost in the massive system crash of 2012 in which my laptop broke and I misplaced my most of my digital backups. A hard copy exists and when I can get ahold of it I will repair this chapter properly. Until then you'll have to put up with the rough draft I'm afraid. -B.M)

I was woken by a loud knock on the door, causing me to startle and plummet back to the unfamiliar bed of my new room from where I rested 2 feet above it. I cursed out loud when I struck my hand on the corner of the nightstand, prompting the knocker to open the door.

“Good morning sunshine!” Sandy, the nurse from the night previous chirped cheerily. “Did you sleep well? I heard you curse a moment ago, is everything alright?”

I rubbed my already bruising hand and then ground the sleep out of my overtired eyes.

“Yeah, copasetic…Didn’t sleep much though, must be nerves or something.” I mumbled groggily.

“Good, now hurry up and get dressed, you don’t want to miss out on all of the warm food at breakfast dear.” She smiled and quickly retreated to let me get ready.

I threw on The loose wool sweater of Gabriel’s and a pair of black slacks, not bothering to run a brush through my tangled locks before making my way downstairs to the first floor cafeteria.

It was a crowded place, but I managed to find Mari-Anne easily enough so I slid into the seat across from her. She quickly slid a second bowl of hot porridge across the table for me before quickly returning to her own.

“Thanks, I had no idea it going to be such a zoo in here.” I said before tasting a spoonful of the toasty warm brown sugar and maple syrup from the top of the porridge.

Mari shrugged. “Nobody wants to get stuck with the rubbery eggs and lumpy oatmeal from the bottom of the pots and trays I guess.”

“I guess that makes sense.” I said taking in another tasty spoonful.

Mari suddenly brightened as though a light had switched on inside her head; brimming with excitement.

“Oh I forgot to tell you, I found out a little more about myself when I woke up this morning! My name is Mari-Anne Golightly, I’m 16 years old and I was born here in Lunaville. I’m pretty sure that I’ve been here close to a year.” She said happily recalling the facts from memory.

“That’s great Mari!” I cheered, and then started to move around the last few lumps of food in my bowl absent mindedly.

“So, are you ready to meet the new shrink today?” She asked.

I froze, dropping my spoon with a loud clank. I had almost completely forgotten.

“I think I just lost my appetite.” I muttered shoving the bowl away gently.

Mari shook her head “I don’t recognize the name of that Doctor; I think he must be new. But at least you don’t have to worry about meds or treatments yet; it’s only a meet and greet session.”

My eyes nearly bulged out of my head as I visualized a virtual cornucopia of medications being poured down my throat.

I put my head down on the table and groaned. “Oh why did you have to tell me about meds and treatments now? I really didn’t want to know!”


After much debating with myself over meeting with the supposed new shrink or hiding in my room for the rest of the day, I reluctantly approached the closed door of Dr. Morrison’s office, hesitating a moment before knocking softly.

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