Chapter 19 - Posessed

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 (Author's note: You'll meet a character in this chapter with a very strange name, and I get asked about the pronunciaton of it all the time. His name is Argyllis Obsidian, one of my all time favourite characters. You Pronounce it ar-JILL-us. It's Fae language for silver one, which suits him very well. Anyway enjoy!)

The two week point of my stay at the Lunaville institution came and went by unceremoniously without my being released as my parents had implied.

They did, however come by to visit regularly after that to bring me new pyjamas or some home made cookies. Genia came by to visit often, as did Snoops; but I very seldom spoke with either of them when they were around.

I was still quite upset with them over speaking with Dr. Sanderson about everything I’d confided in them as my closest friends. Gradually the visits grew less and less and eventually they stopped visiting me all together. Snoops only came to see me twice before completely disappearing from my life. Genia remained a little more faithful, coming to see me until early November until finally she grew fed up with trying to get me to speak with her.

I guess I shouldn’t say that Shirley completely disappeared from my life; I did see her one night in a semi-conscious dream. She told me that she and Jesse were caught while on a hunt and had been tortured and killed. This showed by the chain shaped scars she bore wrapped around her arms and legs; it was apparent that they were bound in silver chains before being executed with a silver tipped bullet each. It made me sick to even think my poor friends being abused like that while I remained blissfully unaware; and what was it all for in the end? So two more innocent supernatural beings were wiped out, and yet for every one werewolf or vampire there were thousands of thieves and murderers roaming free on the streets. I now hated the purifiers even more. I vowed once I got free I would find some way to make them pay for what they’d done.

After this, I often lost sleep over visions of Shirley and Jesse’s painful deaths and began relying heavily on my medication to get some much needed, dreamless rest.

I still heard my mysterious piper nightly; sometimes the music was so near I could have sworn that it was coming from somewhere in my room, and other nights it seemed to fill the rooms next to me instead.

I asked Mari one day if she knew where it was coming from, she merely shrugged and told me that she had never heard anyone play flute in all the time she’d been there and that she had no idea what I was talking about.

Feeling discouraged I decided to remain quiet about the music to everyone, until one night in January I discovered exactly why I was the only one hearing the mysterious music.

I was having yet another sleepless night and I was up retrieving a glass of water from the shared bathroom to down another sedative with when I heard it start again, this time more mournful and full of longing and sadness behind the notes flowing from Mari’s opened door.

I followed the sound, slowly slipping inside the doorway, freezing to the spot when I saw its source. I saw him faintly outlined in the moonlight that filtered through the gauzy yellow curtains of the small window. He abruptly stopped playing and left the unconscious Mari’s bedside to take a few steps closer to me.

“She can’t hear you, Argyllis.” I said sadly shaking my head.

Argyllis sighed heavily and looked back at the sleeping girl behind him and then faced me again, staring at the floor.

“Aye, I know. I really wish that she could.” He looked terribly sad as he spoke those words. I had to say though; he appeared to be in much better condition than the last time we’d met. His long gossamer wings were no longer broken and torn and his flesh was no longer bloodied and bruised. He was now fully within the realm of the spirit world.

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