Obliteration© Ch.6-Homeland~

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She thought to herself coolly. As the debris filtered the air around her. The ash darkened her hair. She knew no one was really suppose to get hurt.  She breathed a sign of relief seeing that everyone below seemed safe and organized. Escaping this wasteland of a place. She paused her body tensing at the sudden weigh thrust at her throat. 

I’ll..I’ll kill you..I swear it.” A trembling timid voice stammered near her.

Her captor was a laughable excuse. She  sounded  more worried for herself. Then for what she declared. She wasn’t confident of her threat and it was evident. Roax remind cool-headed and collected. Gazing at the other buildings and the whole nights eerie atmospheric scene.  Listening to what sounded like a young girl. 

“Weren’t you in some cage somewhere, your master letting you out for a walk..?” She snarled humorously curious. 

The dagger barely broke or nicked her skin. It was an annoying pinch that she ignored interrogating the girl. The dagger of her’s needed a good sharpening.   

Yes, but that’s my home. I choose when I come and go.” She sounded so scared and cautious of everything as they interacted with each other.

“I’ve got a favor, could you sing for me..? You see I’ve been hearing the most beautiful song lately. Something about it just reminds me of my homeland. My home.” Roax forces herself to sound desperate begging for this girl to sing. 

She song sings a part “Remember me, your savior. Something along those lines.” She smiles half-heartily to herself. 

Her captor moves humming the song’s melody. Her hand shakes unsteady. 

Your Hero.” She sings quietly but its a definitive match to the songstress. 

Roax listens trying not to gasp going rigid knowing that this is her sister singing to her. 

“Yes that’s the one.” Roax reply’s moving fast elbowing her sister in the gut and grabbing the dagger as it slips from her fingers. Forcing her into a wall. She turns finally facing her and looking at her sister. Who she thought was dead for so long. In the glow of the moons luminous light. She studies her.

Her sisters skin has tanned from being exposed to the light.   Her hair’s been butchered and cut roughly making her appear older. Her eyes pale in the moonshine still unsure of what’s happening around her. She’s slender and utterly beautiful just like their mother. But she was sadly punished losing her sight as a prize. She still wear’s the rebels clothes. 

Roax thinks to herself of when they lost each other in the mayhem’s chaos of the Aftermath.  Baz must’ve found and tricked her naive little sister. Using her harmonious voice like a Siren calling to her suitors and prey. Anyone would follow him into the rage of war times. 

“Row, its me your sister.” She whispered pleading and wanting her to recognize her voice. 

But she had to restraint herself from embracing her little sister. Row’s face contorts her eyes shadowing, her brows knitting in confusion. 

But he said, you were dead. Killing in the revenge of the rebels opposing us. That were against us and our liberation.” She held onto herself tear’s brimming and ready to spill. 

Roax felt the bitter sweetness of their reunion then a stab of betrayal’s irony. Her Commander, and Leader had lead her on. Pushing and enforcing her to fight, like her sister for a lie. A battle that wasn’t hers but someone else’s. She was but an instrumental weapon to move forward into the destruction’s uses. A fool no less. 

“We were both wrong and wronged. I, like you thought you had died too. Row I’ve been searching desperately for you. I knew in my heart that you couldn’t have. I couldn’t let myself believe you were dead.  Not with that go-lucky spirit of our father and the voice of our Mother.” Roax uttered holding herself back.

She felt the pinpricks of wet tears falling as she choked back her own tears. They embraced tightly holding each other bound and binding.

No more fighting dear Roax. I can’t stand this. Somewhere some’s speculating and laughing at what a mess we’ve made of our self’s.” She whispered stroking her sisters ash-caked hair. Listening to their united heart beats becoming singular. 

“You always got me Row, I’ve missed you for too long. Lets be neutral.” They broke away hand clasped together. 

Roax heard the south bomb blow the place to smithereens. The sky turned from its midnight hues of blue to a chalky brim bricked black and gray. The rubble and panic of the hidden people emerging in the fallen ash alarms blaring. 

“Roax we’ve got to get out of here.” Row remarked urgently. 

But how Roax wondered as she gathered her equipment racing down with her sister. On the flights of stairs of the blacked out building. She didn’t know where the exits were. The last bomb of her’s cut all the electricity in the city. The place rattled and moaned in defiance. Collapsing and crumbling around them and everyone. Hurrying to safety reminiscent of the Aftermath war.    

Follow me, Roax I’ve been trapped here long enough to know where the escape routes are.” Row gave a whimsical smile tagging Roax along. 

“I trust you.” Roax said giving a genuine smile of happiness. 

“But wait I don’t want anyone coming after us.” Roax ripped off her tags and throw away anthing that would bind her to the place she once thought was her home. Abandoning them for something better and worth more. 

“Okay lets go!” She exclaimed excited for once. 

~Part 1 Ending~ 

Row and Roax went into the hazed fog making their own path and decision. Saying goodbye to the city before the last bomb went off. Competely destroying the once thought to be heaven on earth paradise uptoia. Grinning like two thieves the two got the best prize of all. Family. ~

Author’s Notes: Once again thank you to all reading the first part of the ending in the second. I hope to see you for the Official ending of this story. I hope to see you all in the last chapter. Bye! Also I'm thinking of writing the song that everyone sings in this story. But what are your thoughts..? 

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