Obliteration© ™-Ch.3-Cages-

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Chapter 3: Cages. 

Baz watched unfazed but pleasantly stunned. This mysterious girl was violent, unpredictable, casting away even her own sister. But he was also bewildered but the nature of her actions. He pondered what did she want not..? He thought she'd run off and leave but she stuck around his barren wasteland. She was but a slinking cat in a bloodhounds cage.. Ready for a fight. 

"She's yours isn't she..?" He spat out to the air. Swirling his wine quickly and amusingly smiling to himself. 

He gazed rather longingly at the picture of them together before. Damn those memories they danced and played in his head like reruns. A life lived and wanted, needed, missed. He would have it his way. That life died when the war started between them.  But Baz was in love, and well love sometimes is infectiously sickening for insanity's   mayhem. 

"I'm am here, this place. He's the pollution inhabiting it and more. I'm sending the pictures and my observation report. For you to view now." Roax clicked away sending out the information. The commander would be furious and she knew it. 

"Are you still there..?" She questioned aloud gently, relieved. She thought he'd kill her. 

"Yes." She replied calmly 

"Good, very good You've done well Roax. Now listen carefully bring me that singer and kill Baz Barlow." She said sternly.

Roax  listened on intently to these orders that were to be completed. 

"Of course commander."  She uttered as the droplets fell slowly around her. She synchronized the time so they wouldn't touch her. 

"Good luck and Goodbye." With that the transmission was over and done with. Roax finally felt the cold rain pour onto her. 

She glanced up spotting the camera's on her. Overhead, she gave a devilish grin looking and ahead from her vantage point. Dodging the camera's as they shifted into flashing sparks as she brought out her dual guns shooting them out.

"Gotcha!" She gleamed shouting.  

Baz Barlow was haunted cringing at her animalistic  abilities. He found her words to be a daunting promise and wicked reminder. He couldn't let go of this chance. He clapped instead for her Bravo performance. 

"She will be my new amusement, I think so,  hmm what say you..?" He looks over into the oblivion darkness piercing her. 

"Yes I suppose she will Master Baz.." A shakily voice retorts nervously scared humming her song quietly.. 

"I'll be yours.." Baz sings back laughing madly to himself. 

Author's Notes: Once again thank you to everyone still reading and sticking around for this story of mine! 

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