Chapter 1.

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"Lisa wake up...wake up bitch" i could feel izzy jumping on my bed.
"What do you want"
"Simon just followed me on twitter" just then i noticed she was crying.
"Aw babe im so happy for you!!" I pulled her in for a hug,she discovered this simon guy about 4 years ago through a group called the sidemen and she absolutely loves them but mainly simon.whereas im a harry girl.
Then my phone buzzez...


Hey babe?
Wanna hang out later🙄.
To do what?
Well i thought maybe watch
A movie?

"So what you doing tonight"
" chilling with adam"
"Oh i thought he was being weird with you?" She looked confused.
"Yeah he was but he asked me and i just cant say no to him hes so pretty and so amazing"
" lisa hes bad news"
To that i just roll my eyes and get out of bed and go downstairs to get food.

* later on that night*
Adam pulls up outside
Lisa gets in the car
"Hey babe,look what i got us for tonight" he says smirking holding up a bag of weed.
"I cant Adam,izzy will kill me or worse tell our dad and he already hates me"
"How could he hate you?"
"He just does okay"
With that we drove the 20 minute to his house.
"Cmon baby,she doesnt need to know"
"Adam this girl is my twin sister she knows everything about me and i cant keep secrets from her"
"Just try it,i promise its good stuff"
"No adam"
"Just fucking try it" i hate when he raises his voice
So with that i took it off of him and took a draw.
Everyone says its relaxing but as soon as it left my mouth my senses were more alert and i was terrified of everything but more than that i was terrified of adam...

Under the stars.(sidemen fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now