Its been a few months since harry and lisa got together properly... Harrys pov
Lisa stayed over last night and she fell asleep lying in my arms watching die hard, again. I love this girl,we havent said it to eachother yet because we dont want to rush it like yeah we have slept in the same bed a few times but we have not had any intercourse or that. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps,definitely worth the pins and needles in my arm. (How cute is he 🙊) Im going to plan a romantic meal for her,shes been very stressed lately. I grab my phone from behind me and text izzy Harry: hey izzy i was wondering if you could keep lisa out the flat until 4pm so i can go buy an outfit for her and surprise her then take her on a date. Izzy: yeah thats cool. Harry: thanks it means alot.
Lisas pov Waking up in harrys arms is the best feeling,im genuinely in love with this boy but im too scared to tell him. " morning beautiful" he says as i open my eyes " mmm morning " i say snuggling into his chest when izzy bursts through the door,guessing lux or freezy let her in. " get up bitch,were going to the cinema" she says and i hear giggling behind her, im guessing is simon cause i dont have my glasses on,i grab them from harrys bedside table and sit up. They both look shattered. "Okay,see you later?" I ask harry. "You sure will babygirl" he says smiling his bright smile. I lean over and kiss him goodbye and slip my shoes back on. I run down to our flat and get changed into my sidemen crewneck sweatshirt,my white high waisted ripped skinny jeans and my old school style vans. I throw my hair up in a messy bun and leave the house.
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*skip to lisa getting home* I open the door to the flat and it doesnt feel empty... "Hello" i call out... no answer hm maybe im dreaming. I go to my bedroom and their is a bag on my bed with a note attatched. Hey babygirl, i bought you this to wear tonight i picked this because i thought it was so you and ill pick you up at 6 lots of love your pumpkin harry xxxx Pumpkin is my nickname for him. I get changed into the outfit he bought and done a natural makeup look and put loose curls in my hair. Finished look:
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The doorbell goes at 6:00pm exactly. I open it and there stood harry in a shirt and tie tucked into a pair of black skinnies and black dress shoes. " you look stunning baby" " you look stunning too pumpkin" "Cmon then your surprise awaits" We get in the lift which was awkward as there was a young couple having a makeout session and an old couple who looked very cute together. Harry has his hand in mine but he seems very nervous. "Are you okay" "Yeah just this lift is awfully slow and our reservation is in 20 minutes so im kind of worried about missing it" "Im sure we will make it on time" " yeah its my driving,you drive at like one mile per hour" "I do not im just cautious of my surroundings" i say playfully hitting him in the chest. The old woman chuckled to herself. "You make a lovely couple,big night tonight?" She asks. " thankyou very much and its kind of yeah" harry replies to her. "Oh whats the occasion" the old man asks but it comes across of more of a statement. "Its to celebrate our six month anniversary " i reply politley. "Aw thats so sweet,where are you going to celebrate?" The old woman asks. "Its a surprise" harry says chuckling. Finally the lift hits the ground floor and we say goodbye to the lovely couple and get into harrys car.