Izzys pov A few months later I was sitting in the house alone because lisa is enjoying her last day at work then shes going for drinks with her colleagues after. Kyle hates us because were moving away,he swore that he would never approve, lisa and i were both heartbroken because this boy meant the world to us and we love him as if he was our brother. Just then my phone started ringing interrupting my train of thought. One incoming FaceTime call from: simon☺️❤️ The picture that he set makes my stomach feel really weird everytime.
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"Hey si" " hey babe" i blush everytime he calls me that,why does he make me feel this way. "Whats up" "I kinda miss you" he says looking away "You miss me?" "Yeah i do babygirl" My heart is about to leap out of my chest and my mind is racing and there's a few minutes silence. "Simon what even are we like where is this going" "Well im not wanting a relationship just now if thats what you mean"he says bluntly. "Oh, i have to go" i say hanging up. Why are boys so confusing like why the mixed messages suddenly i feel like shit. Fuck you simon minter,fuck you. Simons pov I like isobel i do we have been talking for 3 and a half months but i dont want to rush myself because everytime i do someone gets hurt and i hate myself for it. I may look happy and carefree in my videos but really im just a guy with too much on my mind,my last relationship left me feeling numb,she drained me of all emotions and said all these horrible things that left me with anxiety and i cant cope all the time. Isobel deserves better than you simon,she deserves the world. I grab a bottle of beer from the mini fridge underneath my desk and drink but one turns to all twenty four and now the only thing on my mind is izzy but then i pass out.