Chapter 14.

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We pulled up at the house and everyone except jj knew i was coming. He kept moaning that i need to come see him so i am.
Simon walks in first and i follow i spot jj facing away and was on his phone so i run up behind him and jump on his back.
"Mateyyyyyyyyy i missed you" i shout in his ear.
He screams like a little bitch and drops me.
I hit the ground and theres a horrible noise and a excruciating pain in my leg.
Jj,josh and i are just out of A&E.
Ive broke two bones in my leg and am in a cast for about 8-12 weeks.
" i hate you" i say to jj who is driving.
"I love you too but im genuinely soooo sorry,harrys gonna kill me with you not being able to do much" he turns and winks.
I just roll me eyes and inform harry of whats gone on.
"Can you just take me to the flat,im going to harrys" i say.
"Okay" he says back quietly.
Josh has been really nice whilst the cast was being put on he went and got me a coffee and some crisps for eating on the way back.
I get to harrys and laur answers the door.
"Oh my god what the fuck happened to you" she says.
"Well if you let me explain,i can tell you" i say laughing."
I hobble along the corridor to the living room where i can hear harry and cal shouting about FIFA.
i sit on the other couch and then after the game,everyone wants to know what went on.
I tell them and then harry gets up and picks me up.
"What are you doing?"
"Getting you something to change into and then were going to bed because your shattered and need sleep"
"Do you know what else i need?" I say as he pits me down on the bed.
"What?" He says smirking at me"
"Scissors so i can cut the rest of my leggings off " i say laughing.
"Okay baby" he says getting up to leave the room.
He comes back after, and is hesitant to cut them.
"Just do it,the hospital already did"
He cuts them off and helps me pull on a pair of his shorts. He hands me a sdmn shirt so i put that on and tuck it in to my shirt.

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