Birthday part 2. We arrived at the tattoo parlour,we both had appointments with maia. "Hi how can i help you?" The receptionist asked her name tag read Amelia. She had lilac hair with pale skin and had a pretty sleeve made up of flowers and music notes. "I recognise you,your ethans girlfriend right?" I ask "Yeah i am,sorry do i know you?" "No sorry were just big fans were actually meeting the boys tomorrow" "Ah at upload yeah?" "Yeah were really excited,your voice is amazing by the way we have watched your covers so many times" "Yeah i am and aw thankyou thats really sweet" Then maia walks out shes so much prettier in person. She was quite short with ombrè blue hair its light blue at the roots then fades into electric blue at the bottom. "Erm do you have appointments or just here for a catch up?" Erm sassy but okay. "We have appointments thanks" i reply "So your the twins i have booked in,yes?" "Thats us" "Okay well ill take izzy first then" So izzy goes in and gets a tattoo of alove heart on her left index finger.
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I was next,mine was a lot more intricate and maia let izzy sit in and watch it get done, i got roses and beads down my thigh and kept it simple without colour.
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"Its beautiful,i love it thank you so much" i had said "Your very welcome,how did you sit through that so carelessly you didnt flinch once and weve been going for 4 hours" "I didnt feel it" "Thats strange..." she says then starts laughing.
*back at the house* My phone buzzed twice. Twitter:4 new followers. Twitter:1 new direct message. So i unlocked my phone you are followed by... @ameliasings7 @maiatattoos66 @manlikesfood @wroetoshaw I was screaming harry fucking lewis followed me. 1 new direct message from wroetoshaw Harry: Hey,i noticed you like the sidemen and ngl your peng 😍👀x Lisa: oh my god i cant believe this has just happened and im really not but you on the other hand are perfect 😊x I cant help but scream thankfully im home alone,izzy is away out with kyle doing god knows what... My phone buzzes again... Harry:nah you are the perfect one babe,i think we should meet at somepoint x HE CALLED ME BABE!! Imma die right here. Lisa: that day might be sooner than you think x Harry: what do you mean!!x Lisa: im at upload tomorrow x Harry: yesss, ill defo look out for you cant let an opportunity like this pass up x Lisa: aw thats sweet x Harry: what can i say im a sweet man,ive got to go and do shit with the boys but ill see you tomorrow x Lisa: you sure will 😊x
This day took an amazing turn. I walk downstairs to get a can of irn bru out the fridge. The door opens and inside comes izzy and kyle. "Guys youll never guess what" "What" they say in unison. "Harry followed me and was chatting me up and he called me peng" "No way" kyle said in disbelief. "Check the groupchat i sent it to you guys" They both raced to check their phones when mine buzzed
Snapchat: adam 😊❤️ So i open it and im not shocked just hurt. It was a pair of red pants with black lace on them with the caption "you left these last night" I had just opened it when my phone rang. It was him. I answered with "stay the fuck away from me were over you absolute prick,why would you do this to me after everything we have been through just fuck off" and i hang up and block the number.
A/n: okay big chapter next but anyway ill show you the girls Amelia
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