Lunch Friends

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Dawn's POV

I walk into school the next day tired but awake enough to get to my locker and see Eric pushed up against the lockers but Gracie down the hall I open my locker and grab my binders and notebooks for class I shove my bag and close my locker door I head towards Mavis who was sneaking a cigarette pack in her locker.

Dawn: Hey.

Mavis: Bonjour.

Mavis closed her locker door and turned to face me.

Dawn: What's U-.

Gracie: Where were you!.

Gracie appeared behind Mavis she seem concerned yet pissed.

Dawn: I was at home.

Gracie: I texted in the group chat last night to meet me in the woods like old times!.

Mavis: She's zight we were waiting zor 'ou.

Dawn: Sorry I got held back at school and went straight to bed when I got home.

Mavis: Zhat Zucks.

Gracie: Yeah.

Gracie looked behind her and seen Eric disappeared.

Gracie: I got to go. ERIC GET BACK HERE!.

Mavis snickers as Gracie stomps away.

Dawn: Wanna walk to class together?.

Mavis: Zure.

Me and Mavis walks to class early so we can get whatever lesson our math teacher is going to give us done a bit early I usually head to class early when I know I won't early pay attention or be a asshole and not do the work. We head inside the class and our teacher Mr. Casey greets us while smiling we take our seats and I open up my notebook to take early notes as Mr. Casey gives us a small lesson on what he will be teaching us today. The bell rings and the doors get flooded with teenagers getting to there seats Mr. Casey starts his lesson as I copy notes and surprisingly listen.


After some on classes got over I head to the cafeteria I got into the lunch line with my tray and I seen Bella getting a tray.

Oh god what if this is what she meant by "see you later"?. Is she planning to find where I live and come to my birthday tomorrow?.

Bella: Hey.

Bella snapped me out of my thought and I continue to get my lunch.

Dawn: Hi.

Bella: What's up?.

I look up at the ceiling and respond.

Dawn: The ceiling.

I grabbed my lunch and head towards my table where my friends are Bella giggles and follows me to the table.

Mavis: Bringing more girls to our table?.

Gracie laughs and I blush a light pink.

Gracie: Hi remember me I'm the one who ruined your volcano 2 years ago.

Bella: Sadly I do.

Bella frowns but keeps her position straight.

Gracie: Did you hear about Dawn's birthday party tomorrow? is that why your following her?.

Bella: Um no I just.. I just wanted to come talk to her.

Mavis: Well 'ou zhould come.

Mavis grabs a napkin from Gracie tray and grabs a pen from her pocket and starts to write down want looked like a address. Mavis hands Bella the napkin and smiles while turning to look at me.

Mavis: Bring za guest if 'ou like.

Bella: Um thank you I would love to come.

Bella walks away to another table with napkin in hand I sat down in total shock and embarrassment.

Gracie: Your welcome.

Dawn: For?.

Gracie: Bringing a cutie to your party.

I looked at Gracie in shocked.

Dawn: You know I'm not dating her we just had to do a sheet in class we had together and now she's coming to my party!.

Come on Dawn you have nothing against Bella Gracie is just being Gracie.

Dawn: Well my appetite is gone.

Mavis: Zi will take zit.

Gracie: Sorry.

Dawn: It's fine she's coming anyhow.

I stand up and leave the cafeteria to get to my next class even if it's to early to get ready.


HEY Guys thanks so much for the personal feedback I been getting from messages with some of you readers also Happy Thanksgiving!! BYE.

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