Piper plays Matchmaker

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Bella's POV ~A month later~

I stepped outside the limo taking my driver's hand as he led me down to the sidewalk of the school I waved goodbye and walked up the steps of Wentworth High school she walked down the halls as people waved and smiled at her as she did the same, she was getting closer to her locker that she shared with Piper she seen Dawn looking up at me than turning away. Ever since we became friends she kinda been distance I frown staring at her appearance her lips cover with black matching her eyeliner and eye shadow, she wore black and white dices as earrings as she turned away her black converse shifted as one of her legs wrapped the other, her clothing was a lacy black T-shirt if she turned you can see her bra strap all the way down to the top of butt which was cover with tight fitting black jeans which made her butt curvy and plump.

Ever since that bridge incident I been looking closer at her appearance before was just small glances but now was just stare-Ville she defiantly stood out and I was hoping that was what she wanted since wearing black all the time besides red and white is kinda intimidating but it look good on her.

I turn to face my locker as I put in the Combination being faced with a shelve that meant she had the top part of the locker and Piper had the bottom part.

I didn't notice Piper was there till I was close to shutting my locker door till someone's foot got in way the soft looking boot meant it had to be Piper she turned as was right there stood the blonde who had a cheeky grin I sighed knowing that when she's grins like that something is happing that SHE likes.

Piper: If I guess right this nerd is gonna be playing matchmaker!.

I titled my head in confusing since I didn't know she was talking about m I thought she was talking about Karma, Jesse's new girl yeah I got over him but it still hurt sometimes 3 weeks ago was suppose to be our anniversary that night I tear up as I stalked Jesse's Facebook he doesn't post much but enough to have 110 friends.

Bella: What do you mean? Who?.

Piper: You and Dawn!.

Piper: You two seem cute and clearly she likes you.

Bella: Were just friends.

Piper: Sure like ditching her own party to find you on a bridge and just now when she looked at you than away facing her locker till Mavis walked up to her.

Bella: Were friends, She gay and I'm straight. She even told me one time that since she's gay she doesn't like and won't flirt and apologized if it seems like that.

Piper: You said she apologized that means she's hiding something!.

Bella: If anything if she was attracted to someone it would probably be Mavis there close. I chuckle as I turn to face Mavis with Piper following my lead.

We stared at the French brunette who had serious muscles for a girl but she always wore green and brown and if she wasn't it was a flannel.

Piper: Maybe I mean Mavis looks hot and hot people attend to be gay or bi.

Piper: How do I look!.

Piper strikes a pose making me look at her, makeup light blonde hair by her waist green eyes looked like emeralds her light baby pink under long sleeved looked perfect against her soft looking skin her blue jean overalls look amazing on her matching her soft boots.

Bella: Amazing!.

We both laugh as I step aside letting Piper get through the locker and grab her history book we sadly didn't have same class thought we both got free period and gym together so we made due of it. After Piper shut the door she began walking pass me as I followed I always walked Piper to class so we can talk and hang to torture happened.

Piper: You two would have beautiful creepy babies!.

Piper kept talking as we got to her class she stop and turned around hugging me.

Bella: See yeah at lunch.

Piper: Bye Barbie doll.

Piper walked in as I started to walk away heading to my class Dawn already seated when I entered the room not being late like usual I sat two desks away from Dawn seeing her look out the window like always before class started I mean none of her friends and anyone she likes besides me was in the class so I don't blame her.


One minute before the bell the class groaned as our teacher Mrs. Crawford pronounced were having a test next Friday it was Thursday which gives us about 4 days I didn't count tomorrow and the weekend since no one didn't do work they wanted there free time. The bell rung as I stood up grabbing my book and headed towards the exit.

Dawn: Hey.

I looked to my left as Dawn appeared smiling with her books and binder were on her arm being held by her waist.

Bella: What's up?.

Dawn: Not much just was wondering if you wanted to study at my house since your my friend and a straight A student.

Dawn blushed looking down waiting for the no to come out my lips but instead I replied with a simple-.

Bella: Yes I would love to how about tomorrow after school?.

Dawn looked up and nodded.

Dawn: Yeah sure um see you later than.

Bella: Yep.

And with that Dawn disappeared heading to her next class I turn the corner and seen Piper's body kneeling down as her Piper spun her head around when she notice me walking to her.

"Of course she's snooping" I thought.

Piper smiled as she stands up brushing her overalls and than look at me.

Piper: You two are adorable I'm so gonna set you two up!.


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