Chapter 15. Who Are You?

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It's live. It's official, me and Jack are out there for everyone to see. I close the laptop in panic.

"What if I get a lot of hate?" I ask

"There is always bound to be some hate, but hey even when people were only guessing about us the majority of them liked the idea"

It's been a few hours since the video went live and I've stayed away from all social media. Me and Conor filmed our cover of Too Good and he was currently editing it. I was still so paranoid about what people might be saying so Jack decided we should go for a walk.

We were walking around the big park talking about things when we can across a bench facing the huge pond so we sat down for a bit. The autumn air was chilly so I cuddled into Jacks arm. We sat in silence for a moment.

"I love you so much" I say

"I love you too" Jack replies

"Let's go out tonight" I suggest


"Yeah we need to celebrate this being lifted from us" I continued

"Yeah okay. Come on let's head back and tell the others"

He kissed me on the forehead and we left the park.

We got back to the flat and told Conor and Josh who were both up for coming out. Jack had texted the other guys and they were all up for it.

I decided to get ready so I showered and went though any of the clothes I still had a Jacks. Luckily my little black dress was there. Every girls gotta have one. So I did my hair and make up and slid it on.

We arrived at the club and got a booth with a few jugs to get us going

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We arrived at the club and got a booth with a few jugs to get us going. We then all decided to dance. I'm not going to lie I was getting out my sexiest dance moves with Jack my boy only deserves the best. For some reason I felt like I was being watched, and not just by Jack. I looked around and made eye contact with a dark haired girl. She didn't break eye contact so I just continued dancing with Jack.

A few drinks later I was at the booth with Josh, Mikey and Jack. I had my hand on his leg and he was softly stroking my arm. We were just talking about Mikeys YouTube channel and how funny his videos are. I looked around to see if I could spot any of the other guys but I couldn't. Then I saw her again. Just staring at me. I lent back slightly so she couldn't see my mouth.

"Jack listen"

He leant in.

"What's up?"

"There is a girl who has just been staring at us all night and it's creeping me out"

"Where?" He asks

I go to look at where she was standing but she's gone.

"She's gone"

"Point her out next time you see her" Jack tells me.

I nod.

"I'm going to the loo" I smile and excuse myself .

I've never been to this club before and there are about four floors. We were on the third and the loos were on the first. I head downstairs and open a door I thought was for the loos. Turns out it wasn't. I'm stood in the ally way out side the club. I go to get back in but there is no handle on this side.


I turn around and get out my phone. The door opens and closes again.

"Calling your boyfriend for help?"

I turn around after hearing the voice.

"Yeah the door doesn't open from this side"

I finally look up from my phone. And it's her. The girl who's been giving me a look all night.

"You" I say in a whispered tone.

"No, you" she replies

"What about me" I ask

"You've got something that doesn't belong to you" she continues

"What are you talking about" I ask confused

She raises her voice and steps towards me.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about you dumb bitch"

"Sorry what the fuck? You're the one that's been giving me the evils all night" then I realise "Jack. You're talking about Jack"

"Break up with him" she says firmly

"Not to be rude or anything but who the fuck are you?" I ask

"It doesn't matter. I want Jack and you're going to give me to me"

"Sorry but it doesn't work like that. He's not a fucking bagel I can't just hand over! He's a human being"

I begin to walk away but she grabs my arm, tight, so tight it burns.

"Let go of me you psycho"

She pulls me back and pushes me against the wall and I fall to the floor. She begins to kick me in the stomach and face. She steps back and looks at me i'm still holding my phone and quickly dial Jacks number. I see that he's picked up.

"So what are you going to do? Murder me in an alleyway outside a night club? Classy." I ask with a rough voice because of the beating.

"Oh don't be so dramatic (y/n) I'm just teaching you a lesson. Give me Jack and you can go"

"You really think he'll want you after seeing what you've done to me"

My phone vibrates and I see a text from josh saying they're coming.

"He'll never want you"

With that she begins to kick me more in the chest and face. I cover myself as well as I can. It's harder this time. Every time she kicks me the pain grows I can feel the bruises forming. I begin to cry in pain. She grabs me by my hair and stands me up.

"You're complete trash. Look at you" she says

She spits in my face and throws me to the wall, I hit it and fall to the floor. I sit in the grubby wet alleyway not knowing what to think of myself, my cry becomes stronger but so silent it's scary, I don't have any noise left to make. I can feel blood all over my face and seeping into my dress. I find my words.

"What are you waiting for?"

She leans against the wall opposite me next to the club door.

"I'm just enjoying the view"

"You're sick" I say

I try to sit up but my arms can't hold me up so I stay collapsed on the floor. All of a sudden the door swings open. Josh is there. He looks down at me and is in complete shock. He covers his mouth and takes a step back.

"JACK" Josh calls

Josh comes out into the ally and Jack appears behind him. His face. I had never seen that look before. It's like he felt sick but in a heartbroken and angry way. He ran over to me and cupped my face. Josh was stood by the door as the other guys arrived.

"Who?" Jack asked simply behind his angry tears.

"Erm Jack" Josh said

Jacks POV

I turned around to see Josh looking over next to the door. There stood a girl. A girl who I didn't have a good feeling about.

End of chapter fifteen.

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