All Alone and Faking Everything

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"I'll be right back Amy. Roy and I are going to drop off Kaitlin to daycare. After that I'll take you to where you wanted to go." Eren told Amy. "Alright. Stay safe Eren. See you soon Kaitlin." She clears her throat. "Roy." She says. Then Eren and Roy head off to the car. Roy got in the car while Eren helped Kaitlin in her booster seat. Once Roy for his seat belt on and Eren was in the driver's seat Roy was curious about something. "Does Amy like me?" Eren chuckled. "Don't worry about her. She'll warm up to you eventually. It took her a while to get used to me. Now we're good friends. In the most professional way. Just try to get on her good side. I don't blame her though." Roy was confused and slightly offended when he said that. "What's that supposed to mean?" Roy asked trying to hide his slight anger with a smile. "I don't mean anything bad of it, silly. It's just she's been around for so long. She's been with me when I was with Raven. She probably isn't ready to trust you yet. I'm sure the day will come when she finally trusts you. Don't worry babe. She'll come through." With that being said Roy calmed down. "Yeah I guess you're right." Then they drove to the daycare.

Once they arrived Eren picked up Kaitlin and dropped her off there. Eren went down to her level and gave her a warm embrace. "Be good sweetheart. I'll miss you. Oh. Don't forget to say bye to Roy. He's been such a nice guy for you. I'm sure he'd appreciate it." Roy and Eren looked at each other with loving glances. Kaitlin ran up to Roy and gave him a nice hug. "Thank you for taking care of mommy. Take real good care of her you hear me! Or else!" Roy chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. "I will. Don't worry. I don't want to do anything to make me lose Eren. And I don't want to lose you either. You've been so sweet to me. Letting me be in yours and Eren's life, and giving Eren the chance to be with me. I really appreciate it." The words Roy said brought both him and Eren to tears. "I love you Roy. You have been so nice to mommy. I really am glad you are in my life. Thank you." Roy smiled then let go of Kaitlin as she slowly pulled away from him.

Roy stood back up and waved goodbye to Kaitlin as she was about to leave the two. "Bye Kaitlin. Love you." Roy said to the small child. She waved back to him with a wide grin on her face. "Bye bye!! Love you too dad!!" She yelled back as she went to the room away from the two. Roy's eyes widened as he hears what Kaitlin had just called him. "Did... did she just call me.... Dad?" Roy asked Eren with a shocked expression on his face. Eren laughed when he saw Roy's face. "Guess you really made an impact on her, daddy.~" He said with a smirk. A light blush dusted the cheeks of Roy. "D-don't say that kind of thing here! There are children!" Roy huskily whispered. "Oh so you'd rather I say it in the bedroom?~" Eren purred out softly, making Roy a bright red. "M-maybe...." Roy blurted out. Eren looked at him with a devious smirk and his eyebrows raised up. "Uh.. I-I mean... Uhh.." Eren laughed so hard that he was tearing up. "Oh my god! You want me!! You want to get in my pants!!" Eren shouted practically ignoring the fact they were still at the daycare. Roy's face turned, if possible, a brighter red. "Eren shh! There are kids present. Let's just get out of here." Roy said pouting. As they walked out Eren's smirk grew wider.

"You just want to leave so we can get it on!! You freak!! You sexy freak! You're a sex crazed machine!!" Roy was so embarrassed that he covered his bright face with his scarf. Eren looked at him as his smirk turned into a smile. "I'm only teasing. Unless you really want it. Then I wouldn't stop." Roy froze up. "Wait. What?" Roy asked as he looked down at him. "I wouldn't stop you. If you want it, go ahead. I've been wanting it for so long that it's driving me crazy babe. When will you make the next move. We've been together for two months now! Winter's almost over. I hear winter is the best time for sex. It keeps the two partners warm. How about we do it tomorrow? Or later tonight?" By the time Eren was saying this they were already in the car. Roy was astounded by the confidence in Eren's voice as he said all that. Roy was flustered. "I-I don't know! I've never done that before! Not with Ed. Not with anyone!" Eren scoffed. "Bullshit! You told me you weren't a virgin. You lost your virginity to Ed. That was your first time too. One timer huh? Impressive." Roy was once again a bright red. Right when he was back to his normal skin, Eren had to go along and say that. "H-how did you know that!!? I've never told anyone!! How do you know?!? And what do you mean by impressive!!?" Eren chuckled. "First of all, you told me you weren't when you were drunk a couple of weeks ago. And second of all, I'm impressed you've only had sex once. How do you not have girls lined up for you? You're sexy, and sweet, and you are an awesome friend. You are so so compassionate and you always have such a way with words. The words you use are like symphony to me. It's music to my ears. When you say I love you. When you sing while you dance with me. The way you sweep me off my feet. The way you love me. It's what makes me happy. You make me happy." Roy calmed down and had a gentle gaze on Eren. "I'm glad I make you happy." As Eren kept driving. He saw the scenery in front of him. It's been a while. Let's see what happens. "Roy." Eren said still looking at the road before him. "Yes love?" Roy responded back.

"Describe the sky for me." Roy froze but hid his stiffness with a calm smile. Trying his best to fake it, he took in a deep breath and analyzed the sky. "Well. The sky is a brilliant shade of blue. A nice soft blue. The sun makes the whole thing. It's the afternoon. So the sun is a nice light yellow. The clouds are blocking the orb only in the slightest bit. But the rays are casting off of everything making the world seem much more lively. The clouds are pure white and small bits of snow are falling down. And uh. That's it." Eren played along with it. It killed him to do it, but he had to in order for Roy to be okay. What did I tell you Roy? Don't lie to me. "Very nice. Very descriptive." Roy felt as if a dagger went straight to his chest. He believed it. He fell for it. Why didn't he just tell me to stop faking it? Could he not tell?

They finally got home. "Amy? Amy?" Eren looked around for her. "Where the hell is that girl?" Eren went upstairs to see if she was up there. Roy walked into the kitchen. He saw a note on the counter. "Eren! Down here! She left a note." Roy called out. Eren ran back downstairs and Roy gave him the note. Eren read it out loud. "Dear Eren, someone came to pick me up. I'll be out for a while. If you need me don't bother to call. Amy." Eren sighed in relief. "Thank god. I'm glad she's safe." He turned to Roy. "You know what that means, don't you?" Eren asked with that cheeky smile he had on all day. Roy returned the smirk. He gave a small laugh. "We're home alone. By ourselves." Eren nodded slowly. "Yep. You know what that means, right?" Roy acted like he was thinking teasing Eren. "Hmm.. I'm not so sure... What does it mean?" He said with the most devious expression. He grew impatient. "God dammit." He muttered under his breath. "What hon? Don't like that I'm teasing?" Roy spoke with a low voice. The voice that seemed to be enjoyable to him. The voice ran chills down his spine. He let out a shaky breath. "N-no! I don't like it at all!" Eren shouted trying to to sound confident but instead sounded desperate. "Mmm. What do you want me to do then? Do you want to get in my pants? To sleep with me? To have sex with me? What do you want to do? The choice is all yours. It's up to you.~" He said as he licked Eren's ear, biting his earlobe them tugging on it slightly. Eren knew exactly what Roy was doing. He was making him beg for it. Eren couldn't contain himself. He had to let Roy be in control. I see what you're doing. You win this time.

"Come on Eren. I'll keep teasing until you speak up. What do you want?" Eren let out a slight moan as Roy started kissing leaving soft kisses on his neck, leaving only a small, wet trail of saliva. "What do you want Eren?" He gave into Roy's commands, as his he couldn't handle being teased any longer. "I want you to fuck me! I want to have sex with you! I really want you right know. I need you!" Roy smiled at his victory. "Then I'll give you what you need." Roy said as Eren wrapped his arms around Roy's neck and his legs around his waist. Roy picked up Eren and grabbed onto him. He ran upstairs taking him to the bedroom. "Guess we're doing it tonight." Roy joked. "Yeah. Guess we are."

*inhale* I told myself I wouldn't write smut in this story... I will not-
Next chapter's title: Beating Advice into the Mattress

(−_−) Why do I lie to myself?

*sigh* Warning. Smut in the next chapter. I swear in almost every fanfic I've written there's smut or was planning on writing smut.

I think I have a problem...
See you in the next chapter!

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