001 » purgatory

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The human body is so much more seductive and alluring than people seem to realize.

Yoongi has never just seen it as one whole thing, but as a collection of incredible, beautiful, individual things that bend, and stretch, and work together; exist together. He wants to break down and memorize every single part of the human body, until he knows it better than anyone else.

He brings the rim of his portable cup to his lips and allows the coffee to scorch his mouth. Without wincing, he swallows the fire, addicted to the heat that lashes at his tongue. 

His gaze rakes over the white statue in front of him, and he hums approvingly. With any given time out of school, Yoongi's hobbies consist of sleeping, eating, and visiting historical art museums. The usual.

The hall he stands in is vast and pitch white, impressive arches of marble towering high, yet he doesn't feel small against them. The only sensation Yoongi feels is unity. He can breathe; no school, no stress, no worries, just cleanliness, art and the colour white.

There's something about statues that has always appealed to Yoongi. Greek gods set in stone and mounted high with the purpose of being worshipped for eons. White stone without tarnish. Without worries.

Statues are absent of a brain, and yet somehow possess thousands of years of memories, thoughts, feelings. They are the epitome of beauty, in Yoongi's eyes.

He takes another sip of his coffee, before moving on to regard the next immortal masterpiece.

As he plants his feet, yet again pointing directly at the statue, his subconscious vaguely notes another body next to his. His peripherals offer no further word, considering that the hood to his jacket masks each side of his face, yet he just feels it; Can almost sense a heart beating less that a meter away. He takes another sip from his portable cup and ignores them.

They are not the art.

The statue is the art.

After a moment, a melodious voice blooms from Yoongi's side, words dancing across the gap between both bodies.

"Psyche revived by Cupid's kiss."

Yoongi halts his actions, allowing a smile to ghost over his lips, lingering for a split second before fading. "Isn't it beautiful?" He says, not really a question. Another sip.

"Sure." The other boy speaks.

Yoongi can hear the words burst from lips which are in the shape of a smile. He wonders if the person is perhaps mocking him. He turns his head to question the speaker, but feels his words compile helplessly in his throat. His eyes widen just the tiniest bit, his pulse drumming harder against his wrists. The boy in front of him is the most exquisite human he'd ever seen.

Yoongi was wrong.

This person most definitely is the art.

Unable to speak, the blonde boy speaks for him, "I saw Psyche at the Musée du Louvre a few years ago. Elle était tout aussi exquis là."

The French pours from the boy's mouth perfectly, liquid gold flooding Yoongi's senses, and he doesn't even try to stay afloat because he knows there's not much hope anyway.

The boy laughs. Yoongi has been staring, awe struck and mouth agape for upwards of twenty seconds now, his coffee cup dangerously close to spilling.

"I was ecstatic when they introduced Psyche and Cupid here. I'm Hoseok, by the way." The boy speaks, grins, even.

He steps forwards and wraps his fingers over Yoongi's hand, tilting the older boy's coffee cup back upright. Hoseok only lets go once he feels Yoongi's grip on the cup stabilise, apposed to painting the tiled floor with the it's contents.

After what felt like eternity, Yoongi blinked, brain rebooting. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to stare, I-"

"It's okay," Hoseok smiled. "Yes, I will marry you."

Yoongi choked, "W-what?"

Hoseok laughed again, "I'm just kidding. You should see how red you are. You're cute."

Yoongi opens his mouth,"I-"

Hoseok suddenly interrupted, "I have to get back to work now."

"I- O-okay-"

"See you later, Yoongi."

"I didn't te-"

"It's on your coffee cup."

Yoongi watched as Hoseok jogged away, completely at a loss of words.

Despite his brain being an entropic chaos of questions and curses, Yoongi is quite positive of one thing;

Art has never been more exquisite than that man. If beauty is God's signature, then this angel is his final flourish.

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