007 » dying

152 20 2

Hoseok is dying.

He knows this. He is falling and burning and dying, entire worlds whirling past him as he drops like a weighted stone in water. They have taken his wings from him and cast him down, stripped him bare of everything he is meant to be, everything he was, everything he has ever known.

Flames rage beneath his skin, lick hungrily up his spine and scorch through his veins, eating him alive from the inside out.

He is a comet, a meteor, a shooting star— As he falls, he tears through the fragile planes of consciousness like an unsharpened blade sawing jaggedly through silk, leaving tattered threads and frayed smoking edges behind him in the veils separating his world of liquid glory from the tender world of the humans.

When angels die, they do not die quietly.

Hoseok does not know how long it takes for him to hit reality. He cannot think, cannot organize his thoughts into anything that will make sense.

He is spent. There is nothing left in him to fight the fierce crush of agony, nothing to shield his mind from the hurt in his physical body and retreat to relative safety in his head. He has been cut off from his world and left near powerless.

Distantly, he sensed the flickering candlelight energy of humans moving and breathing and living beneath him, tenuous and lovely. He tried weakly to reach out.

Human hearts so fierce and fragile, some burning so much brighter than others, all of them so blissfully unaware of the rain of destruction he brings with him. Life and light he starves for but cannot touch bleeding off of them in waves.

Perhaps it will be better for him to die. He thinks, a prayer, an incantation, he was loved.

Brilliant light and searing heat and icy knives of pain. The rush of it all an awful unending howl in his ears. The smell and sting of something sharp and electric in his nose, in his eyes, on his naked skin.

The snap of his bones like tinder,

And, the gentle 'ping' of his text tone;


yoongles 💕
omg hoseok i got a good one!!

yoongles 💕
okay so

yoongles 💕

yoongles 💕
did it hurt when you fell from heaven?

Hoseok laughed to himself;
Who knew Angels were the ones that needed sunshine in their life?

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