003 » crepuscular

258 26 16


Each city has a heart beat.
Each city is alive.
This city in particular;
She's beautiful.

She raps her fingers smartly, tapping the top of her crystal whiskey decanter in impatience. She sighs. She groans. She laughs. She's almost human, even though she's nothing more than neat rows of buildings and street lamps.

Now, the sky over her high head is dimming, but her harsh lights pollute the night. They are so bright and insistent that they make even the stars look weak. The stars cower away from her rude vibrancy, weeping softly, their tears dripping down to the Earth's feet with a deep sigh of defeat.


It's always raining, right?
When was it ever not raining?

The rain is incessant. It snaps and crackles like bracken pods in a forest fire. The flood gates of heaven have opened, and it seems that no one is there to close them back up. The rain floods the roads, filling out puddles that welcome soaked shoes into another wet hug.

Yoongi has always been in love with the rain.

The rain, for Yoongi, is unlike any phenomena he could put a name to; the sensations, a concoction of harsh kisses, wet, freezing, and painfully hot, that bring him back to life. The rain ghosts over his dead flesh, flirting with his skin and melting over his knuckles and veins like frozen mercury.

Yoongi shivers, brown eyes milky and distant, observing as the faint stars above shower him in their metallic, heart broken tears.

He jolts alive.

The feeling of this lungs plummeting through his ribs and down, down, down into the Earth shakes his entire body. Yoongi swallows hard, a dry groan erupting from his lips. His legs are painfully numb, and his fingertips are pleading to be moved, but he keeps his gaze and posture inconspicuous as he absorbs his surroundings.

What an asshat. He fell asleep at the fucking bus stop.

He can't help let out a deep chuckle, which is killed in an instant against the roar of the city. With his hair plastered to his forehead, Yoongi's line of sight becomes distorted. Car headlights set fire to the puddles as they roll past the boy, strobe lights wildly searching the road as if they are each hunting for a lost possession against the pitch black tar.

He tips his head back, letting his crown of wet hair collide with the glass of the bus stop divide, reverberated vibrations washing over the wall and enveloping his head with a bang. A whimper melts from his chapped lips and swims through the saturated air. His numb fingers, somehow not feeling like his own, search blindly for his phone under his leather jacket. He turns it on and squints at the damp screen.



Considering the next bus won't arrive for eight hours, give or take, his frozen legs thaw and take charge. Yoongi has no plan of where he'll walk, but begins doing so anyway. His sleepy eyes remain downcast to the soaked pavement ahead of him, feet trudging through pools as he walks.

The boy isn't sure what he was doing, how he got to being at the bus stop. It's laughable, really. Waking up in the most obscure places without remembering why.

He listens to the beat of the city, the spit of rain, the rhythm of his own feet tapping the ground in dull thuds. Dull thuds eventually fade away. Without a sound, a star at the edge of heaven explodes and vanishes, leaving a small green spot in an astronomers retina.


Everything in the Universe is silent, until it isn't.

The world around Yoongi explodes with a high pitched scream, a shock wave hitting his head as his hands go to his ears protectively.

It's screaming, next to the boy, right next to him, all around him, inside him, echoing through his skull as if someone had filled it up with pins and was giving it a good shake.

A heat blazes up his spine, fire licking at every crevice between the bones as he spasms, doubling over with hands pressing against his ears as if the screams of the city just may kill him if he loosens his grip even slightly.

And then, everything in the Universe, once again, is


His vision goes hazy, street lights nothing more than off-white circles that distort in abrupt flicks. The entire world is tipping like a boat capsizing, the street in front of him soaring upwards as if the world has split in two and is folding in on itself. Yoongi feels the wind in his hair, pulling at the brunette locks. Once defined shapes of buildings are now nothing more than grey ink splatters against his helplessly blurred vision.

Suddenly, everything stops.

His cheek feels a lick of pain, then ineffable pain, then a roaring fire ripping at his jaw and skull, disconnecting the bones in his body and ripping open every single cell. The wet pavement makes contact with his head, his entire body jolting from the impact. The streetlights flicker then turn off, the entire city going crepuscular as Yoongi's heavy eyelids melt closed, unconscious body flat against the sidewalk.

The stars stop crying, finally able to take dominance over their domain in the heavens;

The rain is the nectar of the Gods,
and the serum of the sky;
If beauty is God's signature,
then rain is his final flourish.

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