005 » rebirth

162 21 2


Waking up in a hospital bed is
Realising you're all alone is

Yoongi awakens with a start, isolated in a sea of white sheets, and white floors.

He's sweating, despite being frozen cold, a sensation which only goes to rival the red hot blood which has become ice in his veins.

He inhales as if it's his first time breathing, hungry and rushed and clumsy, again and again and again. With desperate eyes hopelessly searching a pale abyss, he lets out a choked sob.

Dripping cold sweat,
leaking cold tears,
breathing cold breaths
   and sobbing.

Yoongi is embarrassed at the sounds he's making. He hates crying. When he thinks he's alone, he visits museums, where everything is white and clean and artful.

Here, the white is too fucking clean, and it's so dirty.

    Suddenly, the room begins to light up.

A silhouette  slips through the gap in the door frame, melting into the dark confines of white walls. It speaks as it comes nearer, soft voice calling out "It's okay," multiple times, and attempting to shush Yoongi's whimpers.

The figure moves towards the Yoomgi, grabbing the boys hand and holding it dear. Deep brown eyes- the warmest pools of chocolate Yoongi has ever seen- study his face.

"Are you okay?"

"What?" Yoongi asks, eyes wide.

"I said-"

"What!" Yoongi near shouts.

Somehow it doesn't sound like a question.

"-What are you doing here? You're the museum boy!" Yoongi points an accusing finger at the person, jabbing it into the other boys chest.

Hoseok laughs. "Yes, I'm the museum boy, see?" He lifts up his lanyard with his spare hand, which clearly holds the museums symbol, and the golden words Sordide Boulevard, embalmed proudly on a sea of navy blue that orbits Hoseok's neck.

He turns it slightly, allowing the material to shimmer in the sweet light. A hush falls over the two boys as they both gaze down at the blue lanyard. The way it laces between the boys long fingers seem to replicate the golden ratio, and Yoongi confirms that navy blue is his new favourite colour.

Yoongi suddenly clicks back to the situation he's in.

"Wait, w-why the fuck are you here? How'd you know where to find me? Wait, how did you even know I was hurt?"

"I'm your guardian angel, Yoongi."

"Dude, I'm on a lot of pills and hospital medication, so don't fuck with me like this."

Hoseok smiles, and another comfortable hush falls between the two boys, only to be broken by Hoseok;

"Can I get your number, darling?"

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