004 » demise

173 21 1


When it is due time for a blossom to meet its demise, it will detach itself from its possessive branch, and sink to the ground, down to its cold, earthy grave. There, it will lay unmoving, helpless to fight against the nature that turns its petals to ashes, and pollen to dust. The beautiful flower becomes nothing more than a corpse; dead, rotting.

What, then, happens to its promise of tomorrow? Of its rebirth that comes in the cycle of spring? Rebirth, when golden air seeps into budding grass, and wind curls around treetops and flushed cheeks.

Rebirth. When it's time for the blossom to wake up. Wake up. Wake up, Yoon... Can... Hear me? Are... awake? Min... Hear me? ...Gi?

Yoongi doubles over. What is that horrible sound? It's a white hot sound that bites at his ears, branding him with sweating hot metal as the high pitched scream melts over him. Why is it so loud? Is that an ambulance? Who called an ambulance? Wait, is someone hurt?

Yoongi tries to rise his head, but it feels way too heavy. His eyelids do, too. He tries to open his lips and ask if everyone is okay, ask if anyone is there to help them, but his voice either dies away against the screaming of the alarm, or simply dies before gracing his lips. He isn't sure if he actually makes a sound.

He tugs at his hands. Tugs, because they seem to be way too heavy, too. He begins to panic, now. Is he trapped under rubble, or something? He needs to get up, needs to help, because even though his head is spinning, he can vaguely remember that one first aid course he attended in high school.

"Yoongi, stay..."

Why are they saying his name? Who is that? Again, he tries to open his eyes, but to no avail. Somehow, a crashing of metal transacts to the hum of a machine. The sound of the ambulance has now echoed down, and is simply a repeated splash, right at the back of his skull.

Dancing white licks at his closed eyes, lights flashing over his head that slowly melts into the purple of human under his skin. His veins feel blocked, as if liquid iron is being injected into him, and his head is still too fucking heavy to move, too heavy to get up, too heavy to help, too heavy to stay awake.

"Stay... Yoon... Can... Here me? Stay with me..."

Shut up, is all Yoongi can think. He's too tired to help, now. Just let him rest. He's too sleepy, and he has collage in the morning, right? He should probably get an early night. In the back of his mind, he can vaguely remember tucking himself into his bed, in his bedroom, in his apartment. He much prefers those thoughts, as apposed to the bright white, hospital walls he steals a glance at, before succumbing to darkness.

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