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"Ariving on the edge of Klingon space, sir." Sulu told us.

"Okay. Spock, come on. Uhura, how's your Klingon?" Kirk asked.

"Rusty, but good." She told him.

Kirk nodded. "Good. Come on."

Spock and Uhura walked out. I walked up to Kirk.

"I'm coming too." I told him.

He shook his head. "No. I can't allow you to come. I'm sorry."

"But... Jim..." I said, looking up at him, worried.

He shook his head again. "I'm sorry, Kylie. You can't. You don't have the training. I can't risk you getting hurt."

I kept starng at him and nodded. "Okay. But... Please be careful."

He smiled a little. "I'll do my best."

I smiled back at him and wrapped my arms around his waist for a hug. He put his arms around me and kissed my head.

"I have to get moving." He told me.

I nodded.

"Lieutenant Sulu, you're captain now." Kirk told him.

Sulu looked at him in shock.

"What's wrong?"

"I've just never sat in the chair before." Sulu told him.

Kirk smirked and patted his shoulder. "You'll do great."

He looked at me again and kisses my head before he walked out.

I stood next to Sulu as he took the chair. I was worried but I knew Kirk was going to be safe. At leaset I hope so.


Kirk sat in a small UFO shaped ship. Uhura was behind him to his right and Spock to his left. 

"So far so good, Captain." Uhura told him. 

He thought it was a little odd that Spock and Uhura had been ignoring eachother. They started to talk and ended up fighting. He rolled his eyes. "Will you two shut up! We are being attacked!" 

Something hit the ship, then something else. 

"I can lose them!" Kirk said. 

"Captain, I don't think we are gonna fit!" Spock told him as they headed to a very narrow canyon. 

"We'll fit, we'll fit!!" Kirk yelled as he put the ship on it's side and blasted it through. They knocked around and Uhura wouldn't stop screaming. They finally got out and away. 

Kirk let out a breath. "Told ya we'd fit." 

"I don't know if that counts..." Spock noted. 

Eventually they landed on Kronos. Klingons came out and attempted to shoot at them. Uhura walked over to their leader and spoke in Klingon. She told them that there was a traitor among them. 

All of a sudden there was a bunch of shooting. The Klingon Uhura was talking to dropped. She grabbed her gun and so did everyone else. They shot at the guy standing up high. He made his way down to them and reveled himself. He was John Harrison. 

Kirk stood up to take him down but Harrison grabbed his wrist and punched him. Then he kicked him in the ribs, slamming him back into a rock. He looked up at him in pain as Uhura hovered over him. 

"You can't kill me." He said in a calm voice. "How many torpedoes do you have?"

"Why does it matter?" Kirk growled at him.

Harrison looked at him. "How many?"

"Seventy-two." Spock told him.

Harrison dropped his gun. "I surrender."

"John Harrison, on the behalf of my friend Christopher Pike, you need to come with us!" Kirk said, standing up.

Harrison continued to look at him.

Kirk turned around to walk back to the ship but quickly spun around and punched him. He hit him over and over again.

"Captain!" Uhura yelled to him.

Kirk stopped and glared at Harrison.

Harrison looked at him and smirked. "Captain."

Kirk continued to glare at him. "Cuff him." 

Spock put some cuffs on him and they headed back to the Enterprise.

*Author's Note: Here's another. Enjoy!*

Darkness Is Coming: 'The Traitor' SequelWhere stories live. Discover now