001. the ground, the dream

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( the ground, the dream. )

     Ava Castell's eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the dim lighting, and her ears perked up to the boisterous chatter that filled the room

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     Ava Castell's eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the dim lighting, and her ears perked up to the boisterous chatter that filled the room. She was immediately overwhelmed by the confusion that overcame her. She was no longer held captive in her cell. From what she could make out, she was in some kind of a ship; With people — lots of people.

Her eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment as she clenched the tight straps that retained her in the seat. A sudden pain shot through her wrist, causing her to jump up and grimace at the unanticipated feeling. Peering at her wrist, she saw a metal wristband tightly wrapped around it. Ava sighed in frustration and mentally cursed whoever put her in this strange position.

"Uh, are you okay?"

The brunette's head jerked up, startling the boy sitting next to her. As Ava was forming her words, she couldn't help but gaze in wonder at the odd contraption that sat on top of his shaggy head. What were those? Goggles? Realizing just how strange she must have been coming off, Ava shook her head and pulled herself together. "I'm fine, thanks."

The shaggy-haired boy pursed his lips into an awkward yet endearing smile in response before sheepishly staring at his lap.

This was the first time Ava had interacted with another person besides a guard since she'd been locked up. She told herself that she should at least try and be friendly, even if she was rusty on the face-to-face human interactions. Despite that, she didn't want to ruin any chances of obtaining an acquaintance, no matter how closed off she'd become.

"Nice goggles by the way," she spoke up, forcing her lips to turn upwards into a painfully fake smile.

The boy looked up in surprise, his brown eyes widening. He took a few moments to comprehend the fact that she had complimented him. Blinking rapidly, the boy turned to her and smiled back goofily. "Thanks! They're my favorite pair." This time, a genuine smile formed on Ava's lips.

"I'm Jasper," the boy said. "And this is Monty."

Ava glanced over at the other boy as well as she could with the straps holding her back. He had an oval face that was framed by straight, black hair. Monty had deep, dark brown eyes in contrast to his bright smile.

"Avalyn, but you can call me Ava," she replied back, exchanging warm smiles with the two boys. Jasper began to speak, but was abruptly cut off by the tv in the drop ship turning on. The three turned their attention to the tv, and saw Chancellor Jaha appear on screen. "Prisoners of the Ark, hear me now," Jaha said calmly. "You have been given a second chance."

As he droned on, Ava felt her heart stopped and stared at the floor in utter disbelief. We're being sent to the ground? Why?

"Your dad's a dick, Wells!" a voice yelled out over the Chancellor's message.

I second that, Ava thought.

Suddenly, the drop ship lurched forward, practically knocking the air out of her lungs. "What the hell was that?" someone yelled out.

"The atmosphere," another voice responded. The delinquents began to talk and yell amongst themselves. Again, the drop ship jerked violently and the buzz of conversation turned to terrified, shrill screams.

Ava shut her eyes tightly. She thought of sparkling, blue oceans and sand in between her toes. She thought of refreshing intakes of air and the way it would fill her lungs. She thought of flourishing fields of grass and the marvelous creatures hidden within it. Her head swarmed with her wishful fantasies as her fingernails dug into the harness straps.

If these were her last moments, she'd rather dream of Earth's wonders than grieve over her awaiting death.


      Squinting through the bright light that flooded through the trees, Ava could only see the streaks of vibrant greens, blues, and browns. She felt a gust of wind pass over her, tickling her skin.

She watched in anticipation as the infamous Blake girl stepped forward, planting her feet firmly on the soil. For a moment, everything was still and silent.
"We're back, bitches!" Octavia yelled, throwing her arms up in the air in triumph.

The delinquents ran out of the opening, all eager to explore the unfamiliar planet. Excited cheers and joyful yells were emitted from the 100 as they all dashed off. Ava stepped onto the ground shakily, feeling so light and free as if she were about to float away any second. She inhaled deeply, unfamiliar  scents flooding her nose. Raising her head up high, she slowly spun around, taking in the clear blue sky and the endless clutter of trees. Next thing she knew, she was smiling, and even laughing.

Maybe Earth wasn't as bad as she thought.

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