Chapter 1

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Harley Slaygle ☝️

Age: 18
Height: 5'4
Likes: Blasting her music, beer, horror movies, video games
Dislikes: Vampires, jocks, preps, school

Harley's POV

I laid down on the roof of my house, gazing up at the night sky. Tomorrow is my first day of school.

I moved here to New Jersey at the beginning of summer because my parents were killed by vampires.

My Aunt Grace said she'd take me in, so I had to move all the way from Michigan to New Jersey. My parents were the only relatives I had in Michigan.

My new high school I'll be attending is Belleville. Over the summer, though my aunt doesn't know, I've been going out late at night to hunt vampires.

I've made my own weapons and even bought a gun with blessed bullets. Hey, I'm 18, so it's legal.

I looked at my phone and see its 2:18 in the morning. I'm so bored. Well. Guess I'll go out and kill some vampires.

I grabbed my gun, some holy water grenades, and a few stakes. I hopped down from the roof and landed on the hood my aunt's car.

I walked around for a while until I heard what sounded like sobbing. I ran over to the sobs and found myself in a park.

There I see a vampire with brown hair and glasses. I see there's a girl dead on the grass while he has another one pinned to a tree.

"Hey, asshole!" I shouted, aiming my gun at him. "Let her go, or I'll blow you're fucking brains out!"

I demanded. The guy smirked at me. "Really?" He asked. He turned so he was facing me. He kept a firm grip on the whimpering girl.

"If you want to shoot me you'll have to shoot through the girl! She's the last survivor! Don't you want to save her?"

He mocked. He gave a look of victory. I eyed the blonde haired chick. Her blue eyes filled with fear.

I reached into my pocket, pulled out a grenade, and threw it at them. The lanky vampire didn't react quick enough.

As soon as it hit the ground, it exploded and a huge cloud of holy water surrounded the area. The vampire hissed in pain and threw the girl down.

She ran for it while the vampire backed away from the cloud, steam coming from his skin. I grabbed a stake and pinned him down.

He looked up at me horrified. Just before I could stab him, I was thrown into a nearby tree. I looked up to see another vampire.

This one had longish black hair and dark, almost pinkish circles around his eyes. He helped the skinny vampire up.

I aimed my gun at them, but the one with long black hair suddenly appeared behind me and grabbed ahold of me.

Whoa! "Mikey! Go!" He shouted. The skinny vampire, who was still burnt from the holy water, fled.

The vampire grabbed a fist full of my hair and forced my head back, exposing my neck. I didn't scream nor did I struggle.

I only took this opportunity to get a better look at him. His face was really pale. Yes, that's how all vampires were.

But his skin was almost white as snow! "Aren't you going to scream?" He asked. His voice had a slight sassy feminine tone to it.

Unaware, I had a holy water grenade in my pocket that was gonna go off any second now. I rolled my eyes.

The vampire scoffed. "Whatever. I'll have you screaming in a second!" He sneered, getting ready to sink his fangs into my neck.

At that moment, the grenade exploded. I felt the vampire let go of me and hiss a little. I ran out of the cloud and aimed my gun towards it.

The vampire stepped from the cloud, waving it away from him while coughing a little. I looked him over and noticed there weren't any burns on him and he wasn't steaming.

I was so confused. What kind of vampire doesn't get burned from holy water?! I think to myself as a slight wave a fear hits me.

The vampire smirks evilly at me. "Only the most powerful vampires." He says, as if he were fucking reading my thoughts.

Wait, did he just- "Yes! I can hear your thoughts." He responds. "You know. I've seen you around quite a bit this summer.

You're new to the neighborhood, Harley, is it?" He asked, inching towards me. My heart started racing and the vampire eyed me with hunger and licked his lips.

But I regained my posture and pointed my gun at him. "Undead fucker!" I sneered before pulling the trigger.

I shot him several times in the chest and face. The left side of his face, starting from the corner of his mouth, had been ripped up.

You could see that entire row of teeth from it. Though he didn't budge while I shot him, he fell down once I ran out of bullets.

"Nothing I shoot ever gets back up." I say to his corpse. I turn around and begin to head home. But I stop and look back at the dead vampire.

All the blood that he was losing was going back into the corpse! A black mist came from his wounds and he started to heal.

The vampire began to rise. What?!!! His red eyes began to glow and a wide smirk was plastered on his face.

"Shit!" I muttered. The guy began to laugh. "Not bad, for a human. Most people would run the moment they caught sight of me.

I'm Gerard Way, just an FYI." He told me. I said nothing. I only glared. Like I give a rats ass! Gerard frowns a little.

"Hey! That's not very nice!" He whined. I raised my eyebrow. Oh... Right. He reads minds. He crossed his arms and glared at me.

I started giggling at his childish gesture. He scoffed. "Why aren't you afraid?!" He asked, it was more of a demand.

I just shrugged and turned to leave. "Hey! Where are you going?!" He yelled. "Home, duh! I'm tired." I replied.

"So you're just gonna walk away from a fight?!" Gerard asked, appearing by my side. "I'm out of bullets and holy water.

Plus, I'm tired. Us humans need sleep ya know." I say as I keep walking. I look back at Gerard. He just stands there with mixed emotions.

Mainly confusion and frustration. His body then starts to disappear. "I'll see you again, Harley Slaygle." With that, he disappeared.

"Later, Gerard Way!" I say, even though he was gone. I walk back to my house and climb up to my window. Well... That happened.

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