Chapter 20

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Harley's   POV

I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. All I could think about was that dream I had. It was about me and Gerard. In the dream he and Mikey tried killing me on the bus.

Then a bully slapped me and Gerard almost kicked his ass. Later I found out that Mikey is his younger brother. Then he took a selfie with me and Frank.

After that, he had to come over because he's my lab partner. He found out about my self harm and hugged me. The last thing that happened was us getting drunk and me falling asleep in his lap.

He.... Kissed my cheek and laid me down in my bed. Did all that really happen? We're those lost.... Memories? Or a dream?

Only one way to find out. I picked up my phone and went through my pictures. I stopped when I reached a picture of me, Frank and Gerard...

I locked my phone and put it in my pocket. My aunt knocked on my door and cracked it open. "Darling, I'm leaving for work now.

Don't forget your ADD meds." She said. "Ok, Aunt Grace." She smiled at me, but something was off about it. I shook it off and went downstairs, rushing to get ready.

I woke up late this morning. I didn't even have time to watch TV. While rushing to get out the door and to my bus stop, I forgot to take my pills.

Gerard's   POV

"Sing it out
Boy, you've got to see what tomorrow brings
Sing it out
Girl, you've got to be what tomorrow needs
For every time that they want to count you out
Use your voice every single time you open up your mouth"

I was hiding in an alleyway, luring my next victim.

"Sing it for the boys
Sing it for the girls
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world
Sing it from the heart
Sing it till you're nuts
Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts
Sing it for the deaf
Sing it for the blind
Sing about everyone that you left behind
Sing it for the world
Sing it for the world"

I smirked when I saw a young man no older than 23 mindlessly walked over to me, looking like he was in a daze.

"Sing it out, boy they're gonna sell what tomorrow means
Sing it out, girl before they kill what tomorrow brings
You've got to make a choice
If the music drowns you out
And raise your voice
Every single time they try and shut your mouth"

When he got close enough, I pinned him to the wall and bit down on his neck and drank him dry. I threw him down next to the piles of bodies.

I wasn't drinking because I was thirsty, I was drinking because I'm angry. Angry that Harley has lost her memory.

Though I'm transferring her the memories of us, they from my perspective. She needs to see her own memories to fully understand everything.

I licked up the blood around my mouth and walked out of the alleyway. I've killed 16 humans yet not one of them had type O negative blood.

I laughed to myself. "Such a rare blood type indeed." I laughed. I met Mikey at the bus stop just as our bus pulled up.

Harley wasn't there. "Mikes, where's Harley?" I asked, tapping on his shoulder. He looked out the window and pointed. "Right there."

I looked to see Harley running to the bus. I put my hand over my chest as I calmed down. She sat down in the seat next to mine and Mikey's.

I smiled at her. "How are you feeling, sugar?" I asked, winking at her. She looked over at me in a daze. No answer.

She only pulled her hood over her head and looked away from me. I smirked and giggled. Though, internally, I was screaming, and not in the way when a girl meets her celebrity crush.

It was more like a scream in frustration. I went about school like I usually do. Not paying attention in class, aside from art, and annoying the hell out of Harley.

I messed with her and flirted with her a little. It was now time for study hall. I walked in and smiled when I see Harley next to Frank and Brendon.

"GEEEEE!!!!" Frank squealed. He ran up to me and tackle hugged me. "Hi, shorty!" I say, hugging back and patting his head.

Oh yeah, Frank sort of has a thing for me. Did I forget to mention that earlier? Well now you know.

I stood up and threw him over my shoulder and carried him over to his desk. "Look what I caught!" I say, plopping him down next to Brendon. I sat down between him and Harley.

"Hi, sugar!" I squeaked. "Why do you always call me that?" She asked. "Haven't we already been through this?"

I asked, leaning my head on her shoulder. Harley sighed and looked at her phone. I noticed that her screensaver was a picture of me, her and Frank.

I smiled warmly at the picture. "Glad you're finally starting to remember." I whispered. She nodded and turned her phone off.

I sat up and cupped her face. Time to give her some more memories. I leaned my forehead on her's and began transferring memories.

I started with when I killed her neighbor and wrote her name in blood on the window. I was about to show her the day I took her back to my house, but she screamed and pushed me away.

Everyone dropped silent and stared. Harley looked up at me in fear and anger. But mostly fear. "He killed her!" Harley's thoughts screamed.

"Harley, I-" "No! Leave me alone!" She shouted, standing up. I stood up as well. "Harley, listen-" "Piss off! I will never forgive you for what you did to her!"

She screamed/cried before storming out of the classroom. I sunk back down in my chair. Once more Harley has said this to me.

Harley's   POV

I can't believe he would do that! I mean, I know he's a vampire, but he killed her without the slightest emotion.

He killed her so brutally! I saw how he killed her. It wasn't just your typical bite to the neck and drink. No... He tore her limbs off and ripped out her heart.

But why did he write my name with her blood? "Harley, why didn't you take your pills this morning?" My aunt sneered when I got home. She gets home early on Tuesdays.

Wow. Not even a hello? "I'm sorry, I forgot." I said, wiping my tears away. "Honey, what's wrong?" Grace asked. "Mrs. Greenfield was killed!"

I sobbed. "Oh, darling. That was over two weeks ago. Come on, take your pills. Maybe you'll feel better."

Why would fucking ADD pills make me feel better?! "What are they gonna do?! Make me stop crying and forget the fact that a vampire killed one of my closes friends?!"

I shouted. Grace had become visibly angry. "Take. The fucking. Pills! Now!" She demanded. I backed up from her. Something was up.

Something not right. It's those pills. There's something in them. "No..." I said just above a whisper. "What was that?!" She snapped.

"I said NO! I'm not fucking taking those pills!" I shout. Grace punched a hole in the wall before lunging at me. Her once curly blonde hair was now straight and pitch black.

Her eyes glowed a reddish orange. Her finger nails turned into long sharp claws! She pinned me down and squeezed my cheeks, forcing my mouth opened.

"NO STOP IT!!!" I screamed. "Now, dear, please try to understand, this is for your own good!"

She, or it said before forcing four pills down my throat. I got that same fuzzy feeling in my head again. My mind was going blank.

Something clicked into my mind. This has happened before. Having pills shoved down my throat. And just like last time, I passed out. I made sure to keep one thing on my mind.


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