Chapter 4: Falling Down In Kindness

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I just wanted to go back home and that's where I ran off to. With my super speed, I opened and closed the door.

Lastly, I ran quickly to lie down on my davenport. "Ah! This is the way to lay down and relax." I got my cup that I left at my coffee table, sipping the juice through the red straw. "I just hope that Tails and Amy aren't mad that I ran out like that." I was about to take another sip of my orange juice but I didn't since I heard the door burst open, falling down onto the floor.

I dropped my glass cup, shattering into tiny and big pieces. I was shocked that the door broke down.

I gasped, seeing somebody that I didn't want to see; Amy. She was just standing there, holding her hammer like a pro. Her eyes had a flame lit in each of them and a fierce aura of bright fire was surrounding her.

On second thought, I shouldn't of ran off in the first place, Amy is now angry at me. She's gonna kill me with her hammer. I better make a run for it. "SONIC!" she started to run after me, trying to swing her hammer at me but she kept on missing her target and aim.

I kept running around my living room. I was going to stop to look at the clock. I wanted to see how much time I had wasted. Little did I know, that it was a bad idea.

As I came to a sudden stop, I saw that the pillows from the couch were scattered around the floor. The couch and pictures had fallen down too. Even the carpet was a mess, when you entered the house. "Oh, no! The house is a--"

"Now, I finally got you, Sonic!" Amy shouted as she cornered me, swinging her weapon. "Woooah!" I fell against the wall, rubbing my head with my hand. "Gee, Amy, why do you have to swing your hammer at me, so hard!?" I looked up at her.

She took some steps closer to me. "I wouldn't have to, if you didn't run away--" she tripped and fell off her feet, coming down on me. "Amy!" I noticed that she was on top of me. "Are you, ok?" I was concerned.

"Yes, I'm alright." Amy said, a warm blush appeared on her muzzle.

"Sonic!" Cream ran in the living room, Cheese was with her. "Chao-chao!" after that, Tails came with the others. "What are you, two, doing?" the yellow fox looked at Amy and I.

Man, I forgot that I was stuck in a weird position with her. "Uh, nothing!" I said.

"I just fell down when I missed my aim at Sonic." Amy had a nervous tone as she made up a lie.


"Tails, what kind of invention did you make?" Twilight Sparkle asked. "For The Elements of Harmony, of course."

"I'm almost done and I just need to do some scans," Tails got up from his desk and scanned The Mane Six's cutie marks that were on their clothing or shoes, the screen of the invention showed each of the cutie marks with a green check mark on them.

"What's the scan, for?" Applejack inquired. "The scan is so my invention called, 'The Harmonic-Equest', can know what The Elements of Harmony look like, it also comes with a radar to find them."

"That's an awesome idea!" Rainbow Dash complimented.

"Thanks, I worked really hard on it." Tails clicked a green button on the Harmonic-Equest, "We should probably get started on finding the elements."

"He's right and I miss my home in Ponyville." Fluttershy frowned.

"It'll be ok, Fluttershy, we'll help you and your friends to find the elements." Cream comforted the yellow pegasus. "Sure, let's get started."

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