Chapter 14: Friendship Is Chaos!

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Everyone else was shocked when they saw that Dr. Eggman had stolen the element of magic. "Oh no!"  Twilight Sparkle said.

"I'll get it!" Sonic said as he ran to get the crown, but as he jumped to try to get on top of the Eggman Mobile, Eggman moved away, making the blue hedgehog fall down. "Dang it. I almost had him."

"Let me!" Rainbow Dash said, flying up. But, she had failed as she wasn't fast enough this time because Eggman had put on the crown on the top of his head. "Noooo! I'm too late!"

The scientist laughed in a loud tone as the sky turned dark and thunder started to crack, making it seem like he was controlling the weather.

"Oh..Where's Eggman?" said Bokkun, flying. He began to cry like the big crybaby he is. "Why did he have to be mean and leave me!? I don't like being left alone--" he stopped talking outloud and screamed instead, which was his reaction to hearing the loud crackle of thunder strike into the sky.

He then heard his boss's evil laughter had echoed around him. "Hey! That's Eggman!" he found the spot to where his boss was at and he landed on the ground, and stood next to Sonic and his friends.

Eggman began to levitate above.

"What's happening?" a frightened rabbit called out, holding her chao friend beside her.

"I don't know but it doesn't look good," Rouge looked up, crossing her arms.

Bokkun was witnessing what was happening and Decoe and Bocoe came along to see the exact same thing. "Oh no! That must be the power... that Eggman was looking for with the elements that I told him about that Sonic's new friends had!" he said it all fast.

Everyone else heard Bokkun talking and turned to look at him, making him sweatdrop. "Hey when did you get here?" Rouge said, eyeing at him, making him nervous.

"Uh..I got here some--" Bokkun was interrupted from talking when Sonic chimed in. "And what was said about the elements?" He asked.

Bokkun sweatdropped again and giggled in a nervous tone. "Did I say my thoughts outloud?"

"Yes, you did." Sonic looked at him, in a serious look, making him feel guilty.

"Uh..I--You see I can explain--" Bokkun was about to finish talking but Eggman had quickly caught their attention again, since he started to transform into something like a fiend. He laughed again, just as the magic has turned him into a evil giant robot that looked like him.

"Who in Equestria is that odd looking thang!?" Applejack was referring to Eggman.

"Is that Eggman? That villain you and your friends have been talking to us about, Sonic?" Pinkie Pie said.

"Yes that's him, alright." Sonic said. "But..." he closed his eyes, "That's not him, anymore."

Eggman started shooting laser beams in separate directions, creating chaos out in Mobius. In that case, he had already created a huge forest fire. "I'm scared! And I can't stand to watch anymore of this," Cream cried her eyes out. "Eggman is destroying the habitats of the animals and the trees too... I just want to be safe and go home, already."

"Cream. I hurts me..." Fluttershy put her hand out to herself. "To see this happening...but we have to stay strong."

"Chao-chao." Cheese lead Cream to safety by pulling her hand. "Okay, Cheese. I'll go with you to be safe."

"Come on gang, we'll let Sonic handle this. Everyone else...stay put and--"

"Hold up everybody! Let me. I'll use my magic as a defense barrier." Twilight Sparkle cut off Tails.

My Little Hedgehog: Friendship Is Chaos! (MLPFIM/SONIC Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now