Chapter 13: A Power Source

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A new robot was made by the evil Dr. Eggman, just as he was finishing rewiring it, he left it to where it stood at. And, instead, he told Decoe and Bocoe to gather several of the other robots to his main room. "Decoe, Bocoe.....Gather up the rest of the robots, that have failed to do my orders."

Some minutes later, they did as he had told them to do. The robots had been gathered up together on the top of a platform, that was beneath a type of machine on top. "Doctor, why did you want us to gather the robots?"

"Because, these robots are useless and I need new parts to make new robots. And, it's easier and cheaper to scrap these robots, instead of buying new parts."

"Ohh..Isn't that a little too harsh? Destroying your own creation?" said Bocoe, in a nervous tone.

"What about your power sources? Aren't they going to get hurt in the process of it?" questioned Decoe.

"Oh shut it. I have plenty of copies of my robots, it's not like any of them are going to notice. And, the power sources, which are the animals...Won't get harmed since the beam won't be affecting them. It will only be affecting the robots since it's going to be going to them." said Eggman. "Now, let's get this show on the road! HA!" he began the process by pushing a red button, which turned on a type of electrical beam that shot straight towards the large row of robots.

After it was done, he cackled. "It's finally done I can start my new latest work." he took out some robot blueprints and started looking at them. What he failed to notice, was that a robot of his, had escaped to avoid being scrapped for used parts.


"Hey guys." Tails said as he stopped walking.

"Yes?" Sonic the hedgehog responded as he saw that he stopped walking. "What's on your mind, buddy?"

"I need to go back to work on something."

"To work on something? But what kind of thing?" Twilight Sparkle said.

"You see.." Tails put his hand out as he explained. "Since we're very close to getting all of the elements together. You know, because we only need one more, now. I have  been thinking about this earlier," he facepalmed himself. "But, what I'm saying is..." he took his hand away from his face and smiled as he was nervous. "Now would be the right time to start working on an invention that will send Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie home to their world."

"That's not such a bad idea. It's mighty smart of you to get prepared." Applejack said.

"You know. He's right. So that when we finally have all 6 elements, we can all go home in a flash." Rainbow Dash said.

Tails grinned. "So...What're waiting for? Let's go!"


"Tails," Twilight said, looking over to Tails' shoulder.

"Yes, Twilight? And please give me that wrench that's next to you."

Twilight continued talking to the two-tailed fox as she gave him the wrench and observed what he was doing. "What is this going to be, exactly?"

"Well this thing will be holding the portal and controlling it. It'll run off of a power source for it to work." Tails put the wrench away and got a cloth to wipe his forehead with. "Whew..." he sighed. "I'm finally done."

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