Chapter 8: The TV Message

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"Hmm..." Bokkun flew above, spying on Sonic and his friends. "They're having a picnic, they have something called, 'The Elements of Harmony', that they're lookin' for and Amy's gone!" he started to giggle in amusement. "Let's see what the Doc, has to say about this one!" he flew away in his jet-pack.

"Eggman!" he walked into his office as the doors slided open by themselves.

"WHAT IS IT!?" Dr. Eggman was sitting down in his computer chair that spun around on its wheels and he was holding something with his two hands. It was his lunch. "I was just about to eat my sandwich!"

"Uh..." Bokkun started to get nervous, "It's just that I was spying, like you told me to, and..."

"And, WHAT!?" after the doctor said that, he took a humongous bite of his long subway sandwich.

"It looks like Sonic and his friends are on a picnic now. They have some new company that I have never seen before. They're a group of six girls. I heard that they were helping them to find something called, 'The Elements of Harmony'. Also, it looks like Amy ran away because she got mad at Sonic," Eggman's assistant said.

"WOAH! That is some interesting news. But I wonder what the elements are? What more can I do? Bokkun, find out more about these 'elements'. While I finish my lunch!"

Eggman pointed to him with one finger, his other hand was holding his delicious sandwich. "Y-Y...Yes, sir!" after he saluted to him and left, the evil-mad scientist gobbled down the rest of his lunch in one bite. "That sandwich was good, now for my DESSERT!" he snapped his finger, his two robots came in, carrying a tray that had a tall cake with many layers. It was Decoe and Bocoe.

"Where do we put this, Doctor?" the short robot said.

"Yes, where!?" the yellow robot's legs started to wobble, "My legs can't take much more of this and this cake is too HEAVY! Why did you have to order a limited-edition cake with cake, candy, and ice cream LAYERS!"

Eggman got furious. "Because it looks delicious and I WANT TO EAT IT! Now, hurry up and place that cake on my desk! If any of you drop the cake, I swear, I'll scrap both of you two for PARTS for my new robots!"

"Yes, yes, Doctor. Right away," the two robots sweat dropped and quickly placed the cake at the scientist's desk.

"Now, that's more better!" Eggman took a fork out. "Now, SHOO!" he gestured for his creations to go away.

"WHAT!? You mean, we did all of that hard work and we don't get ANY of yer cake!" shouted the yellow robot that was tall.

"That's NOT FAIR!" the other robot said.

"None of you are getting any cake! This is MY cake! And, go away, before I REALLY sell you for scrap!"

"F-F-FINE!" the robots ran out of the room, leaving the evil doctor with a mad laugh.


Bokkun flew with his jet-pack, being his usual self as an evil spy. "It's a good thing that we, at least have some of the elements." Tails said, drinking a glass of lemonade.

"Yes, we still can't let them fall into the wrong hands." Twilight Sparkle looked up at the sky, clearly at the clouds.

"Like you said, disharmony and chaos could happen," Cream looked around the sky with her eyes.

"AH!" Bokkun blushed. "I don't want her to see me! I have to hide!" he hid inside of the hidden top of the tree that had bushy green leaves. The truth was that he actually had a secret crush on Cream and that he's had, ever since he came across Sonic and his friends.

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